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Clashes in Egypt over mixed romance; 9 dead...


I mean, I ask you! What the heck is wrong with humanity that nine people can die over religious fanaticism? Its a condemnation of all that is lacking in humanity. Where is the maturity, the enlightenment? Have we come so far into the space race, yet are still to be shackled by the primitive and dark caveman culture of the dawn of mankind?

Sometimes the world just needs to grow up! *exasperated*

Christians and Muslims fought in the streets of western Cairo in violence triggered by word of a mixed romance, Egypt's official news agency reported.

At least nine people were killed as the clashes marked an escalation in tension between Egypt's Muslims and its Coptic Christian minority that has coincided with uncertainty surrounding the country's path after Hosni Mubarak's removal as president in February.

Conservative Muslims have renewed protests in recent days accusing the church of abducting the wife of a Coptic priest who the protesters believe converted to Islam. Copts answered by holding their own rally on Friday outside the Orthodox Church to protest over what they said was the "targeting of the church".

The news agency said the violence broke out in the Imbaba neighbourhood after word spread that a Christian woman had married a Muslim and was being held in a church against her will.

Hundreds of Muslims converged on the church to demand the woman be released, witnesses said. Copts stood outside the church protecting it. The witnesses said gunfire was exchanged in the melee, including people shooting from rooftops.

Islamists threw firebombs, and some homes were burned near the church, they said. Crowds chanted: "With our souls and our blood we defend you, Islam."

Egypt's state news agency said six Muslims and three Christians were killed. The body of one Christian was found inside the church. State TV said a total of 144 were injured in the violence that spread throughout the neighborhood.

Egyptian TV reported that the military and police were trying to break up the stand-off. Witnesses said they used tear gas and fired into the air.

Mixed relationships are taboo in Egypt, where the Muslim majority and sizeable Christian minority are both largely conservative. Such relationships are often the source of deadly clashes.

If a Christian woman marries a Muslim, she is expelled from the church. A Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a Christian man, according to state law.

Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/n...ver-mixed-romance-15152794.html#ixzz1LkVqSeg1


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Reminds me of the insane killings in Northern Ireland not that many years ago. Impossible for me to fathom or understand.


Reminds me of the insane killings in Northern Ireland not that many years ago. Impossible for me to fathom or understand.

Quite! I cannot fathom human nature sometimes either... its so depressing.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
People have fought under the guise of religion since the beginning of it started. Today isn't much different as unless we learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. That is a simple world wide human truth.


But, there have been enuff religious massacres, murders, tortures, ethnic cleansing, wars, and such to have learned by now, surely...

What's it gonna take, complete annihilation? :unsure:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
But, there have been enuff religious massacres, murders, tortures, ethnic cleansing, wars, and such to have learned by now, surely...

What's it gonna take, complete annihilation? :unsure:

Very possibly when one thinks they have all the answers and every one else is wrong.