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JUNE 7, 2014. TEMP 31 TO 36 deg F., Winds 5 to 15 MPH, at 4:45 AM, 92% Humidity, Light Snow and Fog. Wind Chill is 24.



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So I'm reading Walter Cronkite's Biography, : AND THAT'S THE WAY IT IS,.... I come across this reference to a series he did on this military project in Greenland.


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IN ONE OF THE Documentaries there are references to and some photos of "Pole-Cat's", the over the snow machines that look much like a modern day Haglund, a bit bigger. What are they and who made them? Also there was a bunch of footage of these big sleds, that are all up here now! I always wondered where those came from!


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When I did a search I the only reference I came across was at this very complete website called Unusual Off-Road Locomotion. You wil like this:
It has an extensive section on Everything Snow!, Track Rigs, Screw Propelled Vehicles, and a bunch of links to various Museums.

Off to the Safety Meeting! More Later!

MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
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It was built by Wilson Nutall and Raymond a engineering firm they built several
Units of which I have the biggest called the Musk Ox which weighs in at about
62,000 pounds a dynometer for testing tanks


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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Awesome video.

Several things caught my eye. There were quite a few people smoking cigarettes/pipes in the video, something you never see today. The engineers used slide-rules to do calculations, obviously a decade or two before the invention of the pocket calculator! Oh, and the men opened up Coke cans with a can opener, so it pre-dates the pop tops!

From one of Lyndon's links above:
It's not every day the one has the opportunity to observe the construction of a secret underground base. This video is an actual declassified US Army film, documenting the nuclear-powered construction process of Camp Century, beneath the ice of central Greenland.

The base was constructed in the late 1950s, during the height of the Cold War, for "research" purposes.

To study the feasibility of working under the ice, a "cover" project, known as Camp Century was launched in 1960. However, unsteady ice conditions within the ice sheet caused the project to be canceled in 1966.

It eventually came out that the ultimate objective of Camp Century was of placing medium-range missiles under the ice - close enough to Moscow to strike targets within the Soviet Union. This was kept secret from the Danish government, which owns
Greenland and which was legally a "nuclear free zone"
, in keeping with Danish policy.

Details of the missile base project were classified for decades, first coming to light in January 1997, when the Danish Foreign Policy Institute (DUPI) was asked by the Danish Parliament to research the history of nuclear weapons in Greenland during the Thulegate scandal.

A report confirmed that the U.S. stockpiled nuclear weapons in Greenland until 1965, contradicting assurances by Danish foreign minister, Niels Helveg Petersen that the weapons were in Greenland's airspace, but never on the ground. The DUPI report also revealed details of Project Iceworm, a hitherto secret United States Army plan to store up to 600 nuclear missiles under the Greenland ice cap.

Danish workers involved in the clean-up operation claimed long-term health problems resulting from their exposure to the radiation.

In 1986, Danish Prime Minister Poul Schlüter commissioned a radiological examination of the surviving workers. The Danish Institute for Clinical Epidemiology found a 50 percent higher cancer rate in the workers than in the general population.

In 1987, almost 200 former cleanup workers took legal action against the United States. The action was unsuccessful, but it resulted in the release of hundreds of classified documents, including this film.

The documents revealed that USAF personnel involved in the clean-up were not subsequently monitored for health problems, despite the likelihood of greater exposure to radiation than the Danes. The United States has since instigated regular examinations of its workers. In 1995, the Danish government paid 1,700 workers compensation of 50,000 kroner each. - See more at: http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com...he-ice-camp-century.html#sthash.Hy2YS6ty.dpuf


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I was suprised how complete this sites article on the LeTourneau Overland Train, and on Screw Propelled Vehicles was.

Pretty 'Neat' that Boogie actually OWNS ONE of the machines! His collection is comparable to some of the better Museums!!



Bronze Member
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It was built by Wilson Nutall and Raymond a engineering firm they built several
Units of which I have the biggest called the Musk Ox which weighs in at about
62,000 pounds a dynometer for testing tanks

Besides the Wilson Nutall & Raymond, A Tucker Freighter, like used on the South Pole Expedition, and an early Rolligon( precursor to the header in the unusual vehicles website), I know he has, or has had an ST4, all he needs now is a Bombardier B7 or B12 to round out his collection. I guess a B-18 would be more along the lines of what he already has.