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Church Fart


Back On Track
An elderly couple was attending church services. About halfway through, she leaned over and whispered to her husband, 'I just let out a long silent fart. What do you think I should do?' He replied, 'Put a new battery in your hearing aid.'
Heaven Bound

The graveside service just barely finished, when there was massive clap of thunder, followed by a tremendous bolt of lightning, accompanied by even more thunder rumbling in the distance. The little old man looked at the pastor and calmly said, 'Well, she's there.

When I read the title though, I had immediate flashbacks to my sedding rehearsal. See, we all came down with a stomach flu that week which was accompanied by a very nasty case of flatulence. Well, when we we done rehearsing up at the front of the chruch, it was time to practise walking back down the aisle. I had a sudden memory lapse forgetting about the wicked gas I had been having all week and decided to be a smartass and pick up my wife to carry her down the aisle. Well, you can guess what happened. To make matters worse, the preist was standing right behind me. When I turned around, the poor guy was gasping for air. Don't know why.....
An elderly couple was attending church services. About halfway through, she leaned over and whispered to her husband, 'I just let out a long silent fart. What do you think I should do?' He replied, 'Put a new battery in your hearing aid.'

this one made me laugh i didnt get the 2nd post tho...