My new to me Bombardier SV200 with Ford 250 industrial engine has been very hard to start until I figured out how to adjust the electronic choke. I removed the canister above the throttle body which unveiled that the choke was not closed all the way when cold. With the engine cool, I loosened the three screws holding the round adjustment mechanism rear of the carburetor. The black notch was all the way to the passenger side and I slid it towards the driver side a bit until it the choke was closed (end result pictured). The engine then fired up right away! Then I left it outside and it started the next morning just fine at 25 degrees F. Next, I warmed the engine to operating temp, removed the canister, and checked the position of the choke to be sure it was fully open. It was.
If it was not, then I would have have to back off my adjustment some. I found a few good explanations of making this adjustment by using Google.