I had the local news on TV (WGN Channel 9) and they had a story that shocked me.
A group of ministers and aldermen held a press conference to OPPOSE a new ordinance that would increase the Minimum Wage in Chicago to $9.25 per hour PLUS benefits. The ordinance would only apply to large stores exceeding 89,999 square feet. Basically it is aimed squarely at TARGET and WAL-MART and other supersized stores.
The reason the ministers and aldermen held the press conference is because Target just annouced that it will halt plans to build 3 stores in low-income areas of the city. To hear them speak, you would have thought that they were right wing conservative Republicans! Every arguement I have ever heard come out of the mouths of Republicans against increasing the minimum wage was coming out of the mouths of these liberal Democrats. I got the feeling that I was watching a Japanese movie with voices dubbed over the real voices!
The bill will very likely pass anyway. When it was introduced, 33 of the 50 aldermen signed on as Co-Sponsors. It is unclear how many, if any, have now changed their opinions. Mayor Daley has now stated MILD opposition to the bill.
There was a group that was outide of the press confernce protesting the ministers & aldermen. The group was called ACORN and they actually were sounding like the old line communists with what they said. A couple labor unions were also protesting in favor of the increased wages for these large stores. Very interesting to see. I'm curious how the vote will come out. The vote is schecduled for July 29.
Here is a link to the ACORN Chicago Effort, it is not quite up to date.
Also, the news reporter stated that the ordinance requires "full benifits" to be paid to the employees, but did not define what "full benifits" are.
A group of ministers and aldermen held a press conference to OPPOSE a new ordinance that would increase the Minimum Wage in Chicago to $9.25 per hour PLUS benefits. The ordinance would only apply to large stores exceeding 89,999 square feet. Basically it is aimed squarely at TARGET and WAL-MART and other supersized stores.
The reason the ministers and aldermen held the press conference is because Target just annouced that it will halt plans to build 3 stores in low-income areas of the city. To hear them speak, you would have thought that they were right wing conservative Republicans! Every arguement I have ever heard come out of the mouths of Republicans against increasing the minimum wage was coming out of the mouths of these liberal Democrats. I got the feeling that I was watching a Japanese movie with voices dubbed over the real voices!
The bill will very likely pass anyway. When it was introduced, 33 of the 50 aldermen signed on as Co-Sponsors. It is unclear how many, if any, have now changed their opinions. Mayor Daley has now stated MILD opposition to the bill.
There was a group that was outide of the press confernce protesting the ministers & aldermen. The group was called ACORN and they actually were sounding like the old line communists with what they said. A couple labor unions were also protesting in favor of the increased wages for these large stores. Very interesting to see. I'm curious how the vote will come out. The vote is schecduled for July 29.
Here is a link to the ACORN Chicago Effort, it is not quite up to date.
Also, the news reporter stated that the ordinance requires "full benifits" to be paid to the employees, but did not define what "full benifits" are.