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Car trouble with the Cats


Proudly Deplorable
About 8 weeks ago, our plant manager drove his prize Mustang convertible to work. He is always modding the engine. As he pulled in we could hear the weirdest screaming coming from under the hood. Even after he shut off the engine. It sounded like a bad pulley bearing.

We opened the hood to find a very small kitten wrapped around the battery box. Which immedeately took off for the woods. For days we heard the little guy off in the woods or under the trash dumpster. But no one could get near him.
His mother was back at the house so we hoped to catch him and return the little twerp. But no one could catch him. So we left food and milk out near his sleeping place, under the dumpster.

After about a week, someone caught him and brought the fella to us. A male yellow tabby and cute as a kitten was he. So I took him to the vet, got him wormed and distemper shots. His mom had moved on so he became an orphan. We kept him at the factory hoping someone would adopt him.

Our house cat Cleo is 22 & 1/2 years old(thats 110 in cat years) When she is gone NO MORE CATS! Well, that was the plan anyways.

But this guy has stolen our hearts.

He weighed 4 ounces when we got him. A yellow spotted Tabby with a pure white tummy and boots. Now he is over three lbs. Golden green eyes.

He was already litter box trained or at least he has never gone anywhere but the box. So, we are keeping him. His name is MERLIN, after our company name,,,,Excalibur.

This is a stock photo but he looks just like it.

I'll try to post pictures of him later.
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This is a stock photo but he looks just like it.

I'll try to post pictures of him later.
Nice kitten Franc! BTW, this is a stock photo of my wife but I'll try to post pictures of her later... :shifty:


  • mywife.png
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I am trying real hard to NOT end up with the old woman's cats. Since I have been caring for them all week they come up to me and want loving as well as food. Not the outside one so much. He just wants food. Will go down in a while and turn a light on and bring his food in for the night.
It would not bother me if this kitten kept me up all night

But as it is I was stuck with this one.

Merlin makes the Energizer Bunny look lazy.
I need to find the battery box and remove them so I can sleep.
We took Merlin to the Vet this week to get nuetered and his front paws declawed. I took him in and got him 24 hours later. Boy is he pissed. It's five blocks from the vet to the house and he was nothing but four letter words all the way home.

After 24 years of being enslaved to another cat, Cleo, I do speak some Cat and can tell you, they weren't nice comments. Two days now and he is still mad at me. Cathy however, gets praise and cuddles. I have told him the whole thing was her idea, but he won't believe it.

Any suggestions?
You are just going to have to be patient. He knows that you had that done to him and it hurts.

There are two ways to declaw a cat. One is to amputate the first joint of his toes. The better way is to remove the nail and the nail bed. That is much less painful post op. Do you know which way the vet used?
You are just going to have to be patient. He knows that you had that done to him and it hurts.

There are two ways to declaw a cat. One is to amputate the first joint of his toes. The better way is to remove the nail and the nail bed. That is much less painful post op. Do you know which way the vet used?

Yes. Laser removal of the nail bed. Virtually painless and no bleeding.

His mitts came off in less than two days.

Now he cannot climb my Hibiscus tree. His favorite daytime liar. He knows why and whom. So now at night, I'm locking my bedroom door. Ever hear of a guy named Cat Avenger?

Merlin's hero.
Ever hear of a guy named Cat Avenger?

Yep! And you are wise to take precautions. Sounds like Merlin has a long memory.
He is just Trailer Park Trash. I know the Trailer he was born under.

So far he has run up a tab over $700.00.

After I got the vet bill I pointed out to him that he was a free kitten until I brought him there. So he should stop complainin'. The nurses thought that was funny but, here on the Forum, I cannot repeat what he said.:whistling:

Kids these days, they have no respect for their elders.
But we love them anyhow and sooner or later Merlin will decide that he really does appreciate you.
Cats are good for coyote bait...PERIOD! Arrogant as an undocumented progressive squatting in the White House. If you like cats, you like being dominated.

It's been said that if you die alone with a dog, they will find two dead bodies. If you die alone with a cat, the cat will have gained 10 pounds. Make sure to not die alone with your cat.:brows:
Cats are good for coyote bait...PERIOD! Arrogant as an undocumented progressive squatting in the White House. If you like cats, you like being dominated.

It's been said that if you die alone with a dog, they will find two dead bodies. If you die alone with a cat, the cat will have gained 10 pounds. Make sure to not die alone with your cat.:brows:

Well, he is not my cat. He belongs to the wife. Or in cat terms, she belongs to him. I'm just an unwilling servant here. And there are no coyotes in our subdivision.(but plenty down at the ranch,,,,,hmmmm?)

We were going pet free after Queen Cleopatra passed. But at 23 years, I think she might be immortal. I wanted some time without dogs or cats. Especially cats because I am allergic.

Then came Merlin, the bad trailer park trash boytoy. to which she succumbed and I could not say no. Curled up asleep on the couch next to the wife, they are cute little fur balls. And make her happy.

Until the infatuation is over, I'll just have to be the "other" guy for a while.

Meanwhile, he is seven lbs of trouble and only likes me at meal times.:whistling:
All that money on a something that can't even change your diaper when you get old. We're pet free since the dog was put down a couple of years ago, and I plan on staying that way.
All that money on a something that can't even change your diaper when you get old. We're pet free since the dog was put down a couple of years ago, and I plan on staying that way.

Are you talking about the cat or the wife?:yum: