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Campbell Soup Index of Inflation (all data collected in Indiana)


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
This is a real-world indicator of the plummeting purchasing power of the U.S. Dollar. Inflation is ravaging your savings by the day. Buy tangible assets now while you still can.

Each data point was averaged across at least 3 grocery stores. Yesterday I took the final reading and made this chart. Spread it around.


1950: 10 cents
1960: 15 cents
1970: 17 cents
1980: 21 cents
1990: 33 cents
2007: 39 cents
2008: 40 cents
2009: 45 cents
2010: 51 cents
2011: 60 cents (11-28-2011)
2012: 87 cents (09-21-2012)

There was a 28% increase in 10 months, but the FED says inflation is under 2% annually. That is because the FED does not consider FOOD to be part of the Consumer Price Index. Nor do they consider FUEL, which has DOUBLED under the Obama administration, to be a factor in the inflation index for consumers.
At the rate they are printing money with QE3 you better get out 2 $1 bills to buy it soon. It is crazy what a lot of things cost these days. Even though gas is $4 a gallon nobody in the MSM says a word about it. Any other year it would be all over the evening news.:hammer:
It took 30 years for the price to double from 10 cents to 21 cents. It doubled again in the last two. Has it struck anyone how much it has gone up just during the Obummer years. 39 cents in 07 to 87 cents now.

Polls indicate most Americans would love 4 more years of this. They can have it.
It took 30 years for the price to double from 10 cents to 21 cents. It doubled again in the last two. Has it struck anyone how much it has gone up just during the Obummer years. 39 cents in 07 to 87 cents now.

Polls indicate most Americans would love 4 more years of this. They can have it.

But if they get it, so do we! And that is not good.
Our best hope is that this recession/inflation is hitting everyone equally and some of them have enough sense to do basic math and realize we are on an unsustainable path.
Our best hope is that this recession/inflation is hitting everyone equally and some of them have enough sense to do basic math and realize we are on an unsustainable path.

But the math they use leaves out some very pertanent information...Like food and fuel. When are we going to put reality back into the numbers? I doubt we ever do. We are to "challenged" to figure it out. How dumb are we....:glare:

As an exporter of sorts the cheaper $$ helps me with higher prices. But the country man who is a fan of the USA is telling me some thing different. This is going to hurt my fellow American. no two ways about it. Inflation will rule someday, and it won't be pretty. As they say, paybacks are hell....

Regards, Kirk
But the fuel prices and lack of buying power are staring everyone in the face even if they don't understand the long term casualty of today's crazy money manipulation that is going on. I hope folks are awake.