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It's 9 degrees outside right now. I'm not yet ready for those temps.

Yesterday it was 16 but high winds that pushed the wind chill to zero or a little less.


Bottoms Up
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It's 12 here. I'm not ready for this kind of cold either. ....and I just remembered my hose is still hooked up outside. Dangit!

Big Dog

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Is it cold outside? Wouldn't know and the fireplace hasn't stopped since we got home from the hospital. Still have lots of firewood...........:D ! Hey Brian if it is cold it may bring out some wood choppers, I hope!


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Big Dog said:
Hey Brian if it is cold it may bring out some wood choppers, I hope!
Below about 20 degrees, you won't catch me doing it. Too much temp change on the body when you work hard then stop.


New member
People always bitch about the weather in the northwest but at least we don't have to freeze our a$$es off this time of year. Yes it is raining, yes it is gloomy, but with highs in the low 40s and lows in the mid 30s, working outside is not a big deal. Now 16 degrees with a stiff wind and I would be inside playing with my sons tractors.



Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Call me silly, but I like cold weather. I'll admit I like a easy transition from fall to winter temps, we had warm weather that dropped down to the 'teens' overnight and that is a bit drastic, but generally speaking I don't mind bundling up and going out when it is crisp. There is a whole different type of world outside in the winter, the summer birds are gone just like the leaves so you can see and hear much more of what the animals are doing. Even the sun looks different and on a cold sunny day, the sun feels better on your face than it does in the summer.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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AFFitness13 said:
PA had snow and in the lower mid teens. I get back to NC and it is in the 30s.

My sister flew in from NYC and woke up to a lake effect snow storm with temps in the teens Wednesday, today she flies out and our temps are going to be near 50 and sunny here. So it all changes quickly. But in NYC when she lands I understand that it will be snowing/sleeting. She can have the sleet. I don't want it.


Master of Distraction
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BoneheadNW said:
Sun? What's that? :cry:

What are you talking about? There's always lots of liquid sunshine in the NW!

As I look outside I see so much liquid sunshine that I can't see more than 300 Ft.:StickOutT

I'm just glad the winds dies down yesterday. A week of non-stop 25-35 mph winds was getting old.


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PBinWA said:
What are you talking about? There's always lots of liquid sunshine in the NW!

As I look outside I see so much liquid sunshine that I can't see more than 300 Ft.:StickOutT

I'm just glad the winds dies down yesterday. A week of non-stop 25-35 mph winds was getting old.

First of all, you are right in that it looks to be clearer outside this morning. We never had the winds here, just the fog for over a week making the air quality bad and not allowing any helicopter transports.

I do agree with Bob- I will take cold over hot any day. Good thing I don't wear a kilt! How to you keep Richard and the boys warm wearing that thing? :fr2:



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BoneheadNW said:
I do agree with Bob- I will take cold over hot any day.
Me too. You can dress for the cold but there's laws about how much you can undress in the heat.
BoneheadNW said:
How to you keep Richard and the boys warm wearing that thing?
Keep them as active as possible!!! ;)


Klaatu barada nikto
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bczoom said:
Me too. You can dress for the cold but there's laws about how much you can undress in the heat.

Keep them as active as possible!!! ;)

I'll put in my big time vote for the cold/cool weather. I have gotten more done outside in the last four weekends than I did all summer.

For those of us that carry around our own layer of insulation, hot temperatures just plain suck. :smileywac


New member
It is -5 and the weather is calling for -35 in two days. We have just gotten over a day of snow and 30 mile an hour winds. Official snow count is 52 inches on the flats, which puts my house at over 60 inches. I have done a lot of plowing in the last few days. Tomorrow I will cut out the new drifts with a snowblower and my Rhino with a 72 inch blade.
Life in the North is Grand.:smileywac :drink: 70 miles South of the Arctic Circle.:1062: