Thought I heard the furnace kick in, but the sound wasn't quite right; then thought maybe it was a sump pump, but I was just prepping them for spring and it was on today's list to plug them back in. So threw on some boots quick, went down the basement to find it an overgrown shower!
Now perhaps I needed a shower, but being a bit more concerned about the furnace, or breaker boxes, gettting wet - not to mention the hairdo I might get if showering with a wet furnace and 240V waterheater [which I don't think make great

In a few minutes, I'll head down, kick in the pumps and assess the damage above; the basement isn't finished, so, if the furnace and breaker boxes all survived [looking positive on the latter, only even shut off the former] only paint cans and "stuff" will have damage rather than walls etc. However while waiting for the dripping among overhead lines and chases to stop, had to share with everyone here, so you know that according to the Law of Conservation of "$h!t Happens" you'll all have a great Monday! Enjoy!