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BREAKING! Federal Judge Rules in Obama SSN CASE! Says It doesn't matter if Prez broke


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
SUPER Site Supporter
Big surprise another of Obamas corrupt Judges, I thought it was about Justice not luck. :hammer:


The judge is a Reagan appointee, and just because a nutjob alleges fraud doesn't mean they get access to folks' social security numbers.

I'd say the judge did a good job, and WND has cast its ugly, untruthful spin on things yet again. The decision is here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/63587952/...PINION-Signed-by-Chief-Judge-Royce-C-Lamberth


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
The judge is a Reagan appointee, and just because a nutjob alleges fraud doesn't mean they get access to folks' social security numbers.

I'd say the judge did a good job, and WND has cast its ugly, untruthful spin on things yet again. The decision is here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/63587952/...PINION-Signed-by-Chief-Judge-Royce-C-Lamberth
Yup I figured since it came from WND it would be dismissed by most, but I still dont think its right when there is a posibility of fraud being commited as well as the judge making the statement its not your lucky day , if in fact he even did . :unsure:

What pisses me off even more that the only place that I can find these kinds of decisions made in a government court are not reported by anyone in the mainstream media . If they did report it it might actually take some of the drama away from folks like myself that just want some honest answers of why all of the privacy from someone that ran on transparency to get elected in the first place. :hammer:

I know you know the law and I respect your opinion JP , but dont you think it could and should have been handled a lot better a long time ago to satisfy peoples questions, then just throwing money at it that may very well be the taxpayers money the way they seem to go though it.

Yea I know kind of a long question but I get a lil upset over this stuff . :biggrin:

BTW thanks for the ruling but for some reason I cant never view anything from that scribed software or whatever it is , I suspect its a government conspiracy to keep me from viewing it . :w00t2:


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Cowboy, here's the court's decision from their website: https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc?2011cv0402-33
Thanks JP , very interesting, and I was surprised it was written clearly enough that i could understand it for the most part .

I may be wrong but it sounds like to me that is was the way it was filed that got it dismissed, more then if someone actually knew more about law might have written it up it may have been taken more seriously. Am I even close ? I realise since its dealing with someones SS number there is good reason for their privacy to be kept secure . :unsure:

BUT if its the fact of proving that he is not using a deaceased persons SS # how else could it be investigated ? Just curious is all .:wink:

I dont beleive most of the crap that WND puts out , but I still question some of the way Obama and his team of lawyers handle things when they could be so easily put to rest . :unsure:


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
SUPER Site Supporter
Thanks JP , very interesting, and I was surprised it was written clearly enough that i could understand it for the most part .

I may be wrong but it sounds like to me that is was the way it was filed that got it dismissed, more then if someone actually knew more about law might have written it up it may have been taken more seriously. Am I even close ? I realise since its dealing with someones SS number there is good reason for their privacy to be kept secure . :unsure:

BUT if its the fact of proving that he is not using a deaceased persons SS # how else could it be investigated ? Just curious is all .:wink:

I dont beleive most of the crap that WND puts out , but I still question some of the way Obama and his team of lawyers handle things when they could be so easily put to rest . :unsure:

Obama's team of lawyers were not involved in this case because Obama was not a party to this case. This case was simply Orly Taitz trying to force the Social Security Administration to disclose the SS-5 Application filed to get Obama's SSN. She had no evidence of fraud or of any other reason for the SSA to disclose the info (as it's normally protected by privacy statutes and exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act). She therefore loses. It's that simple.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Obama's team of lawyers were not involved in this case because Obama was not a party to this case. This case was simply Orly Taitz trying to force the Social Security Administration to disclose the SS-5 Application filed to get Obama's SSN. She had no evidence of fraud or of any other reason for the SSA to disclose the info (as it's normally protected by privacy statutes and exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act). She therefore loses. It's that simple.
Thanks again for clarifying . :smile: