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Bombardier sw-48 crank no start


New member
1975 with the ford industrial 4.1L inline 6. Crank no start, no spark to plugs. Spark from coil though. I just got it back to my house last week to take a good look at it. Points looked great cap looks great. Changed it to electronic ignition, coil, plug wires etc. No change except now either I smoked the starter or solenoid or both. I've checked for any chewed wires all look good. I'm gonna start looking for bad ground. To give you further I bought it mid winter past it ran great for 5-6 hours of heavy snow plowing. Parked it but things got busy didn't get back up there for a month or more and tried to start it no spark. I don't know..voltage regulator? I'm at a loss. Anybody have similar problem? I'm not a forum guy before but gotta try something.
Hey white snake slow the shrimp boat down a bit.

does it crank?

if it cranks and has spark from the coil wire. (you have fouled plugs or a distributor that is not turning, at which point you still have spark at one of the plugs.

If it cranks you have enough chassis ground to support the starter load.
voltage regulator is unrelated unless its shorted ( you would smell that condition)

feel free to throw a few commas into the text so I can sort out the words. I am guessing it no longer cranks or as in no rah rah rah....

If I were on sight, we would be looking at the ignition switch. (first)

chassis grounds (second)

With it in Neutral or park...... You can generally get them to turn over by applying 12v to the small screw on the starter solenoid. ( I do this with a pliers)
If it turns over the circuitry is at fault no the components.....
I'm all set. Solenoid was cooked. Starter was suspect so replaced that to. Basically my coil was too weak. I switched it over to electronic ignition all is good.
electronic is hard on stock coils. if you haven't switched to the one they sell carry a spare.