……. so your ''dry'' test wasn't very encouraging, bummer. so you can do a ''wet'' compression test. what that will tell you is if it's valves or piston/rings/cyls. related. basically you wet the cyls. , one at a time , with some oil . I like to run the piston down to the bottom of it's travel , take a ''squirt'' oil can , or so, and lube the inner cyl. then rotate the engine over a few revolutions by hand, at first. to work the oil up & down & all around. then cover spark plug hole with shop rag, spin engine over with the starter , to expel the excess oil . you don't want excessive oil in cyls., ''hydro-static '' lockup occurs. hard on starter, rods, rings, crank, etc. a few squirts is good, don't fill the cyl. with oil, too much , alittle goes along ways. so install tester . bump it over a few short rotations, to make sure no lock up. then crank it . compare psi tests to each other . if pressures go up; then rings/pistons/cyls. are worn severely. if pressures don't change, then most likely valve related, or a headgasket issue. also with the wet test; if it is a headgasket issue, sometimes you will see oil ''mist'' come out of an adjacent spark plug hole , while testing another. also key is a good starter, battery , charger hooked up , for proper rotation rpm .