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Gone But Not Forgotten
Ok I know very little about Bluetooth technology. I understand it some but I have a bluetooth icon in the systray of my new laptop. Since I don't know what I can do with it I want to delete the program if I won't use it.

Can anyone tell what I can do with Bluetooth on a laptop?

Wireless data transfer from anything else (etal...cell phone) with blue tooth to your PC and vice versa.
Does it use my wireless card then? And both items has to have bluetooth on it right??

Then if none of my other computers or cell phone has bluetooth, the bluetooth on my computer is worthless right?? It is just takin up memory??

We use to have these PDA's we could send meetings and contacts to each other without making a connection. This was a long time ago and I don't think they called it bluetooth at the time.

Does it use my wireless card then? And both items has to have bluetooth on it right??

Then if none of my other computers or cell phone has bluetooth, the bluetooth on my computer is worthless right?? It is just takin up memory??

We use to have these PDA's we could send meetings and contacts to each other without making a connection. This was a long time ago and I don't think they called it bluetooth at the time.


It does not use your wireless card. Both items must have bluetooth. If you have nothing else with bluetooth, then it is worthless to you but it isn't using much memory.

Older/most PDAs use IR for wireless connection and data transfer between themselves (PDA-PDA) and a computer.

If your cellphone has bluetooth, most do, you can use it to sync phonebooks, schedules, etc with your computer. You can also use it as a 'wireless' dialup modem for your computer.

And finally, there are some bluetooth headsets that you can use with your bluetooth-enabled computer. Then you can listen to your mp3s while beebopping around your room without running out of wire. There is about a 30ft limit to bluetooths range though.
Thanks Bob and BD. It was what I was kind of thinking. I saw Bluetooth on cell phones but did not understand why I would use it on a laptop. Now I do. Probably something I will never use.

Many cell phones now come with bluetooth. Makes it easy to keep a backup or copy your phone numbers & cell phone data to your computer. You can then update numbers and load the new phone book onto your cell phone.

Last August someone was selling USB bluetooth devices on Ebay for 1 cent. They make it very easy to add bluetooth to any computer. Shipping was 9.99 though, so it cost 10 bucks all together.