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Black Friday


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Well, today's "Black Friday" and is the shopping "high holiday" for Mrs. Zoom.

It won't be the 5:00 am start as it was in previous years (since we now have the kids and I too have to go) but I guess there's some sort of rule that she HAS TO go shopping today.

Luckily for me, I "think" we're only going to a couple stores and our list is pretty short.


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I have to go out too, but only to our annual trip to Ikea. My wife does all of our Christmas shopping two weeks after Christmas. She really is a good woman....


Bottoms Up
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I worked retail 20+ years ago. Since doing that I've never shopped on Black friday, or thanksgiving weekend in general. My wife and I purposly avoid shopping those days. The bucks I'd save are not worth the aggrivation the shopping would cause. JMHO. I works for me.

Big Dog

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Didn't think of it but another good reason I scheduled the surgery when I did...:D ! Cheryl isn't even going cause she's playing nurse Hatcher and she obviously enjoys harassing me more than shopping!


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I'm hoping it won't be too bad.
We're heading off to Sears and Lowe's but to the store locations that on any other day never have more than a dozen cars in the lot. Today.... maybe 2 dozen. We should be OK.


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My kid and his girlfriend came with my wife and me today. Went to Ikea, than to Bobak's in Chicago (a Polish deli - my wife's Polish), bought a bunch of real Polish sausage, then to my Ma's condo, than back downtown ChiTown. Was going to go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner - but it was packed. So we drove all the way back to Michigan and ate dinner at the Red Arrow Roadhouse for dinner.

Sort of a wasted day for me, but the wife is happy.


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waybomb said:
My kid and his girlfriend came with my wife and me today. Went to Ikea, than to Bobak's in Chicago (a Polish deli - my wife's Polish), bought a bunch of real Polish sausage, then to my Ma's condo, than back downtown ChiTown. Was going to go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner - but it was packed. So we drove all the way back to Michigan and ate dinner at the Red Arrow Roadhouse for dinner.

Sort of a wasted day for me, but the wife is happy.
OK Fred,

15 minutes at Ikea then spent the rest of the day on food?!??
I "think" I did better. Look in the "tool deals" thread.
If Mrs. WB is happy, maybe you'll get... (forget it, I shouldn't go there).