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Biden Warns of More Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Is Not Passed


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
More scare tactics from big Joe, Unfriggen beleivable. :ermm:
Video at the link.

In Flint, Michigan, Vice President Joe Biden suggested that more rapes and murders could occur if President Barack Obama's jobs bill is not passed.

"In 2008, when Flint had 265 sworn officers on their police force, there were 35 murders and 91 rapes in this city," Biden said. "In 2010, when Flint had only 144 police officers, the murder rate climbed to 65 and rapes--just to pick two categories--climbed to 229. In 2011, you now only have 125 shields. God only knows what the numbers will be this year for Flint if we don't rectify it."
The vice president also seemed to suggest that the Obama administration's first stimulus is the reason rapes and murders were not even higher in 2010 and 2011." And God only knows what that number would have been had we not been able to get a little bit of help," Biden said.


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
While I disagree with Obama on all of his insane policies, I wish him good health. God forbid anything happens to Obama, Joe, "I got my feet both in my mouth" Biden is next in line. Can you imagine???


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
So, how many cops need to be hired to eliminate all rapes and murders? Are you saying alot of cops scares rapers and murderers into not doing what they do? Or possibly they do it until caught. Then of course, we let them off the hook or out early. Maybe, just maybe, the rapers rape, and send them away for 40 years. Murderers go to jail to die, either naturally or via a few mls of deathane. Problem solved. More cops had no part of it.


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
Police are only there to catch speeders and other traffic offenses. For all other crime, they are there merely to clean up the mess after it happens. See JoeC's signature for how to take care of crime.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Yes but a police presents will have a deterrent effect in some cases. Here for example they have cut down on officers petrolling one of the bad neighborhoods. They have had 11 murders there this year while last year they had 4. Now is a direct correlation I don't know not something I normally think about as I'm always armed and don't depend on police except for minor things such as break ins after the fact as you stated.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
If the murderers are murdering murderers, give em automatics. Problem solved.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
It would be nice if real life was so simple. The last person murdered was a 78 year old retired man on his porch at 7PM in the evening.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
I don't know which of the two realities about Biden scares me the most...
The fact that he sometimes is allowed to open his mouth or the fear that Obama may not survive his term in office.

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Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
So, everywhere where there are plenty of cops, there are no rapes and murders?

How does one correlate less cops to more murders. Using that logic, we could correlate say, sunny days to murders. Or rainy days. Maybe cooling-degree days. Or how about how many red Nissans drove through the intersection at 95th and Wells?

Cops do not prevent murders, unless they just happen to be there when it occurs, and then they usually murder somebody. Sometimes somebody with a toy gun, or even a telephone. I heard one guy made a gun with his hand, and BAM, 1 dead finger-pointer.

Correlation me arse, matey.


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
Maybe we should nuke the entire planet, and let God decide if he wants to repopulate it with critters or people. The way the world is so fucked up, my guess is that He would go with something like alpacas and mules instead of humans.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Here is a question...Why is it when the budget is tight or under scrutiny, Police, fire, and teachers are the first threatened to be thrown on the pyre?

Is our government really that afraid of the drug abusers, miscreants, extra managers, social workers and other human chattle we support with entitlements?

There are people living in Government houses that need police protection from "others" also living in those houses who would harm them. Perhaps we should retain the police and have them ask those "others" to leave.:hammer:



New member
GOLD Site Supporter
So, everywhere where there are plenty of cops, there are no rapes and murders?

How does one correlate less cops to more murders. Using that logic, we could correlate say, sunny days to murders. Or rainy days. Maybe cooling-degree days. Or how about how many red Nissans drove through the intersection at 95th and Wells?

Cops do not prevent murders, unless they just happen to be there when it occurs, and then they usually murder somebody. Sometimes somebody with a toy gun, or even a telephone. I heard one guy made a gun with his hand, and BAM, 1 dead finger-pointer.

Correlation me arse, matey.

Wow man is that what I said. No I said he has a point, I also said I don't know the correlation between the two, less cops and more crime. :unsure:


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
Here is a question...Why is it when the budget is tight or under scrutiny, Police, fire, and teachers are the first threatened to be thrown on the pyre?
Because teh politicians know the ignorant voters will fall for this bullshit, and cower before them. Then the dipshits go to the polls and vote the same extortionists righ back into office. Dumb fucks....

Ourtside of Washington, extortion is a crime. INside the beltway it's a course for freshman lawmakers.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
While I disagree with Obama on all of his insane policies, I wish him good health. God forbid anything happens to Obama, Joe, "I got my feet both in my mouth" Biden is next in line. Can you imagine???

Yes, and it makes my head hurt.

Thinking of the fact that Barry's heartbeat is all that is keeping loose cannon Joe Biden from sitting the Oval office is like pulling on a mental chineeze finger puzzle.



New member
I wonder if the Flint Chamber of Comerance feels as if Slow Joe just shot them in the back? He sure did not make me want to invest in Flint.


New member

Cops do not prevent murders

I call BS on that statement . How many murders have happened in any donut shop that you know of ? :shifty:

The largest murder of cops in the Seattle area, happened in a donut shop just a few months ago. With three or four cop cars parked in front of the place! Nowhere and no one is safe anymore. The killer had been let out early from prison, by the Governor of another State.


New member
The largest murder of cops in the Seattle area, happened in a donut shop just a few months ago. With three or four cop cars parked in front of the place! Nowhere and no one is safe anymore. The killer had been let out early from prison, by the Governor of another State.

Leave it up to you my friend to find this titbit of info...:doh:

Yes I have found you.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Ole Joe just cant seem to keep his foot out of his mouth , now he is resorting to threats? Not quite the way I would expect the VP of the United States to respond. :glare:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxxotkX9ZOo&feature=player_embedded"]All Huffy, Joe Biden Stands By Rape Reference to GOP - YouTube[/ame]


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Well it's obvious BHO wanted a veep that would not upstage him in the intellect department, not that BHO is a brainiac mind you. However, I think he got more than he bargained for. :yum: