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Been recovering for 3 months now


Well-known member
USMC Veteran
Iraq War Veteran
Been recovering for 3 months now, had 2 stents put in October. Was about to go work one morning and was not feeling well at all, hard time breathing and pain going through my left arm including chest pains. Luckily my neighbor Laura came over and said I was going to the ER. She is an ER nurse and knew it was serious.I still remember when I got to the ER saying chest pains, put in a wheel chair rolled in right away. All the tests came up with 2 plugged up arteries. Did call my customers I was in the ER too. Went in for 2 stents after that. Laura did call my mom as well and my son was contacted at school too. My son was glad to hear I was alive and going to recover well. Doctors were glad to hear I do not smoke. It was a wake up call for me that to take life seriously. I am on the anti rejection medication for the stents and see the cardiologist next month for a follow up. They figured it was stress and been doing well controlling it so far. My neighbor Laura suggested something that has helped, I go to a yoga class every Wednesday night now she goes to as well.