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Bears and cutting hay


Gone But Not Forgotten
I was running the haybine and cutting the field behind the house yesterday when 3 does ran across right in front of me. They usually ignore the tractor and whatever you are doing with it. As I turned to make the next pass a good sized bear broke out across the field and just before he got to the other side he stopped long enough to get a good mouth full of alfalfa before he went down the woods road. They sure like the smell of fresh cut alfalfa for some reason. They have torn open the tube on the neighbor's baleage 3 times already.:hammer:
Cool, where is the pics? You need a tractor mounted camera like the police have.
Well it was the neighbor's new Massey tractor and it sure has everything else in it. Stopped to go potty and it didn't want to start. Turns out it has 5 switches that have to be made before the starter will engage. Had to shove the pto lever back hard to start it. But it does have a/c and a radio and a friggin computer for the round baler.
Cool, where is the pics?

Well here is the hay even though it did not make much.


  • Farm pics 044.jpg
    Farm pics 044.jpg
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