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Well I went and did it.... Broke down and bought another airplane....
This time with 2000 Edo floats, although it is a bit frozen to use them, had them put on the 2500 Skis instead.
Am down in Anchorage today to get the paperwork done on it and will fly it back to Fairbanks area. Weather isn't going to be very good until about Tuesday for the trip. Have to get my Bi-Annual Flight review done tomorrow if the weather breaks, but may be "Iffy".... Been snowing all day here.
It is a 7GCBC with 160hp constant speed, which is quite a bit of differance over my last plane which was a 7ECA with the 115hp engine. Although they looked the same, the newer plane had the horsepower and flaps, not to mention the floats!!
Anyway, will post a few photos of it and the trip home in a few days!
It looks exactly like this one does, except where it is blue, mine is orange.....

This time with 2000 Edo floats, although it is a bit frozen to use them, had them put on the 2500 Skis instead.
Am down in Anchorage today to get the paperwork done on it and will fly it back to Fairbanks area. Weather isn't going to be very good until about Tuesday for the trip. Have to get my Bi-Annual Flight review done tomorrow if the weather breaks, but may be "Iffy".... Been snowing all day here.
It is a 7GCBC with 160hp constant speed, which is quite a bit of differance over my last plane which was a 7ECA with the 115hp engine. Although they looked the same, the newer plane had the horsepower and flaps, not to mention the floats!!
Anyway, will post a few photos of it and the trip home in a few days!
It looks exactly like this one does, except where it is blue, mine is orange.....