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Baby On The Bus.


Spock and Galvatron < one and the same
I got on the bus the other day and ended up sitting on the only vacant seat next to an attractive young lady with a baby. After a short while the young Mum decides to breast feed the infant... But he's not very hungry but she keeps trying and in the end says to him..

"come on and drink your milk, or else I'll give it to this nice man next to me" but the child keeps playing up.... and after a short while she says again "come on drink your milk or I really will give it to the nice man and you'll go hungry"! This continues for quite a while and she keeps trying to get him to feed. "I'm serious, are you gonna drink your milk or shall i give it the nice man?"

Once more the baby suckles for a few seconds and then stops again, so his mother says yet again "come on now, are you gonna be a good boy and drink your milk or shall I give it to the nice man next to me?".....

At which point I found myself saying loudly to the child

"Look... are you gonna make up your mind or not... I was supposed to get off four bloody stops ago" !!
