Danang Sailor
nullius in verba
The Israeli ambassador to the UN rose to address the General Assembly regarding the issue of partitioning a section of Israel
to make a Palestinian state. However, he did not immediately speak on that matter.
“If it please this august body, before addressing the business at hand, I would like to relate a story about Moses at the time
of the Exodus from Egypt.
After wandering in the desert for 40 years Moses finally lead his people into the Promised Land, and they encamped next to
a beautiful spring. Moses, weary and in need of bathing, took himself to the far side of the spring where there was a screen
of bushes to hide him, disrobed, and immersed himself in the cool waters of the spring.
After a wonderful soak Moses went to retrieve his clothing and rejoin his people, only to find that not a stitch was left. A
thief had made away with everything! After contemplating for a moment, Moses shouted, ‘Ah! I know what happened!
The thief was absolutely, without doubt, a Palestinian!’”
At that point the Palestinian ambassador jumped to his feet, red-faced with rage. “That is a blatant, bald-faced lie! It is an
outrage! It is well-known that there were no Palestinians there at that time!”
The Israeli ambassador smiled at the Palestinian and said, “I thank my learned colleague. Now, with that historical fact
firmly in mind, we can begin to consider the question of giving away our land to create a Palestinian state.”
to make a Palestinian state. However, he did not immediately speak on that matter.
“If it please this august body, before addressing the business at hand, I would like to relate a story about Moses at the time
of the Exodus from Egypt.
After wandering in the desert for 40 years Moses finally lead his people into the Promised Land, and they encamped next to
a beautiful spring. Moses, weary and in need of bathing, took himself to the far side of the spring where there was a screen
of bushes to hide him, disrobed, and immersed himself in the cool waters of the spring.
After a wonderful soak Moses went to retrieve his clothing and rejoin his people, only to find that not a stitch was left. A
thief had made away with everything! After contemplating for a moment, Moses shouted, ‘Ah! I know what happened!
The thief was absolutely, without doubt, a Palestinian!’”
At that point the Palestinian ambassador jumped to his feet, red-faced with rage. “That is a blatant, bald-faced lie! It is an
outrage! It is well-known that there were no Palestinians there at that time!”
The Israeli ambassador smiled at the Palestinian and said, “I thank my learned colleague. Now, with that historical fact
firmly in mind, we can begin to consider the question of giving away our land to create a Palestinian state.”