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Artic Cat 300


Gone But Not Forgotten
A friend of mine is looking at a used Artic Cat 300 ATV. It is a 2001, 4 wheel drive, has 3000 miles on it and in great shape. They want $2,500 for it.

I personally would shy away because it is only a 300 but maybe for him it would be ok especially with younger kids. I guess to me because of it's size I think it is a bit high in price. What does others think here?

A 300 isn't a bad size.

Being a 2001, I believe the engine is the Suzuki which is a plus.

The price is in the range but maybe just a little high. To get a quick ballpark on its value, I just take the price new and depreciate at $1.00 per mile. Yep, they depreciate at about that rate... I believe that machine was about $5K new. Being in good shape, the price is OK.

Check the boots over the CV joints. For some reason, I've seen a lot of Artic Cat's rip them (or it could just be the driver/conditions).
My personal experience with Arctic Cat and Suzuki has been very bad. they should come with a tow ropes..

nothing wrong with 300cc bike, (unless your buddy's over 200lbs) your not going to break any land speed records, but they are a fun, lightweight size quad to ride.

On the cv boots tearing..I believe that the axles are made in Korea...
Morepwr said:
My personal experience with Arctic Cat and Suzuki has been very bad. they should come with a tow ropes..
I won't say that an Artic Cat is of the same quality as a Suzuki but until about 2 years ago, I had 6 Suzuki ATV's (and 1 Kaw) in my barn. I've never had any problems with any of them. I still have 4 of the Suzuki's and they're all running fine.

My neighbor has 2 Artic Cats. A 250 and a 500. He's over 200# but the 250 still gets him around fine. Agreed that you're not going to set any land speed records but the 250 still does about 40 mph.
I just can't resist replying. A 300 cc quad is not a kids quad. We have a 200 and a 350 (both yamahas) - I am over 200 lbs and the 350 will still hit 50 mph. Never rode a 'cat so can't comment there.