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Are you an "Earth Firster" ??


Gone But Not Forgotten
SUPER Site Supporter
Meaning do you put earths needs in front of human needs ?

Against huntings or harvesting forest .
Against drilling for oil . Want all coal plants shut down .
End all Nuke power plants now ?
Save the Whale and any other creature that yo can think of ?
Stop all future dams so the rafters have a place to paddle while the rest of us die of thirst ?

ARE YOU also the first person that bitches when the price of your water bill or electric goes up ??

How about the cost of lumber ?
You can't have it both ways folks .

I am not a person who believes in chaining myself to a rock in a river so a dam cannot be filled or living in a tree to protect it from Foresters .

I do want to see new tech being used to help save what we have .

Am I one of the last nomal sane people left in this world ???

But there are a lot of us who do not give a rats ass about our future generations life .It has become a "Me" generation . Meaning whats in it for me ??

Our so call leaders are showing this side to us every day !!

This makes me nervous .


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
Al, I think I'm a "Common Senser" rather than an "Earth Firster"

I believe that we can reasonably manage species for harvest/hunting.
I believe we can reasonably use renewable resources by replanting.
I believe we can reasonably balance energy usage/pollution and the environment.

What I think is insane is when we have policies/regulations from our E.P.A. that are so strict that they drive our companies to produce goods in Mexico/India/Asia where the E.P.A. has no reach and where the nations have laws so lax that pollution runs rampant. The E.P.A. should find some balance that keeps plants here, where they will be "cleaner" than in backwater nations, and require them to be "as clean as reasonable" but not so clean that they shut down/move.

I think our E.P.A. and D.O.T. should look to our European neighbors for air quality standards for automobiles. Because of the way we measure pollutants here, we struggle to meet fuel efficiency standards that the E.U. easily meet/surpass. Would we be cleaner/better off if all our cars were 10% to 30% more efficient? I believe we would be.

Sadly, too many people (most of them seem to work in government) fail to be "common sensers"


New member
When I first read this thread title, I saw "Earth Fister".

Fisting? WTF? :yum:

I believe in giving back. If you take a tree plant one or two more. If you hunt, then support restocking and husbandry. The earth, like an antique car or tractor, will keep going as long as we are willing to do the maintenance and give back.


Now a Published Author
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Well for those that follow the Bible, God created the earth for man.

Having said that, it doesn't hurt to be good steward of the land, but this cutting our nose off to spite our face is just stupid.