Apple grinder


Active member
Hi All,
What device do you use to grind apples to make cider? Purchased or home built? If homemade what would you differently next time? How about using a garbage disposal unit-purchased new and disinfected ?
We have an antique press that a previous owner destroyed the grinder part by hooking a PTO [540rpm] to it without a speed reducer . The castings for the press are still good as is the screw and baskets,but the grinder was beaten to bits.
Many thanks in advance,baldy
The best thing my wife found is a "Victorio strainer". It's hand cranked, whatever doesn't pass thru the sieve comes almost dry. And she can even make blackberry jam w/o the seeds!! She's made apple butter and tomato sauce w/ it. Google it.
One funny story about it was she was getting ready to run blackberries thru it and since the shaft is 1/2", I got the brainy Tim Taylor idea to hook my vari speed 1/2" drill to it. Well, I got started and was running the drill as slow as it would go and it squirted juice all over the kitchen. Needless to say, me and the drill got kicked out of the kitchen!!
We didn't get entire press- only acme screw and appropriate castings-grinder was in pieces so we left it. My cousin has found a milling machine cutter and is building the drive and hopper to fit. I asked to take pics and he said "let's see if it works first" I googled "apple grinder " and found where a garbage disposal unit not to be a new idea; even a thread on garden web. even found a neighbor who uses a silo blower to grind them but it's very wasteful