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Apple Experts


Gone But Not Forgotten
Looks like I am going to get a new laptop. Mine even though I had some trouble with it is working fine I have to pass it on down to another employee. Typically that is what normally happens being the boss. So I am interested in the Apple that has the DUO processor. Is the Duo being made just in the desktop or can you get it in the laptop also?

How does the Apple tie in with LAN and WAN's? Can Word documents be used on both machines or once a document is created under Windows can you not use it on the Apple.

Does anyone else here have the Apple and what problems do you see or have. This computer will be used mostly at work. Educate me!!

Don't know about the Duo processor part, but I can answer the LAN and Word parts.:thumb: First the easy one, a Word Doc is a Word Doc is a Word Doc. They will go back and forth seamlessly. Second is the LAN, as long as your LAN supports DHCP it is as simple as plug it in (or turn it on if you have a wireless connection) and you are good to go, if you aren't running DHCP you can configure the IP the same as you would on a Windows computer.

It has been awhile since I configured a mixed network, but I believe you have to configure something on the Windows Server to allow the Macs to talk to them, but I don't remember for sure?:confused2:
I don't know about being an expert but I've been running Apples for years. I'm now on my third Mac G4 dual processor 2 gig ram 480 gig HD. I strayed once for about a year with a pentium 4 Gateway XP pro. This was the best advertisement Apple could have. I went back to Mac and will never change again. I've never had a virus on a mac and I have no virus protection at all. If a program freezes ( very rare ) you can restart just the program, no reboot necessary. I work on photo restoration so my files are 150 MB to 250 MB. I would not want to work on stuff this big on my PC. I've had no trouble opening files from other computers and the my Mac come loaded with Microsoft Office. If you have any specific questions I'll try to answer them.
I have one program that I use pretty much all day long that concerns me. It is a program I use for programming HVAC/Refrigeration computers. I am told you can not use the Apple on it. But someone some time ago said they have a program on their Apple that will let the Apple run DOS and Windows programs. I know I would not have the right click mouse that I use alot but thinking if I get the duo processor then I could switch back and forth? Also back to word documents. Doesn't the Apple give it a different extension?

Apple doesn't use extensions. Therefore you just have to save it as murph.doc.

A couple of choices you used to be able to run something called SoftWindows. Don't know if that is available for OS X or not.....other choice now is through a software download from Apple called the Bridge I think. It will allow you to boot to a Windows OS partition on you Mac computer. Depending on how your software interfaces (USB vs. serial/parallel) you may be OK. No guarantees though since at that point you are also in the hardware layer.
thcri said:
I have one program that I use pretty much all day long that concerns me. It is a program I use for programming HVAC/Refrigeration computers. I am told you can not use the Apple on it. But someone some time ago said they have a program on their Apple that will let the Apple run DOS and Windows programs. I know I would not have the right click mouse that I use alot but thinking if I get the duo processor then I could switch back and forth? Also back to word documents. Doesn't the Apple give it a different extension?

As an Apple user, I would recommend AGAINST buying an Apple due to the industry specific program. I think you will find it will be an expensive mistake.

It is my understanding that you will not be able to switch back and forth. It is my understanding you have to go though a complete re-boot to switch operating systems. Unless you are, or want to become, a complete computer geek, stick with Windows. I love Apple but I am realistic about when they are appropriate and when they are not appropriate. I think in your case you will be making a mistake.
