Like a bad penny...
I really need to replace my office computer since it's been dying a slow death for the last year. As some know, I've not been successful in mastering my MacBook Pro yet and with several proprietary custom programs that are also not compatible with Mac, my only real choice is to replace it with another PC. Since I'll have to go through the time and trouble to copy all of my programs and data over I was sort of figuring that I ought to have a clean install of Windows 7 on it to start rather than installing Vista and then, most likely, upgrading (if it's really an upgrade) to Windows 7.
Being that I've not had an opportunity to read anything about Windows 7 other than it's out now, I was hoping that maybe someone here may have already tried it out and could give a quick review. Any comments or suggestions?
Being that I've not had an opportunity to read anything about Windows 7 other than it's out now, I was hoping that maybe someone here may have already tried it out and could give a quick review. Any comments or suggestions?