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anyone know if this is true ?


New member
Obama Orders Press Blackout After US Credit Rating Cut


Credit rating agency Egan Jones (EJR) downgraded the United States Thursday on concern over the sustainability of public debt. Egan Jones is one of the most important ratings firms in the world; they lowered the US credit level from AA+ to AA. The firm reduced the US from AAA to AA+ in July 2011, just before Standard & Poor’s did the same.
Egan Jones further warned: “Without some structural changes soon, restoring credit quality will become increasingly difficult . . . without some structural changes soon, restoring credit quality will become increasingly difficult.” They added that there was a 1.2% probability of US default in the next 12 months. The company cited the fact that the US’s total debt, which now equals its total GDP, is rising and soon will eclipse the national GDP; the company sees the debt rising to 112% of the GDP by 2014.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Caught the tail end of a discussion on Cavuto when it came back on a while ago.


New member
This appears to be accurate. Seems only "fringe" news outlets are reporting the downgrade. This from the Patriot Update:

Obama Orders Press Blackout After US Credit Rating Cut

April 9, 2012

A shattering report from RIA Novosti’s Washington D.C. bureau appears to prove that the mainstream press in America has become nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Obama regime when during a White House news briefing this past week they were effectively ordered not to report on this past weeks credit rating cut of US government debt.

The Russian International News Agency (RIA Novosti) is a Russian state-owned news agency based in the capital Moscow whose clients include the presidential administration, Russian government, Federation Council, State Duma, leading ministries and government departments, administrations of Russian regions, representatives of Russian and foreign business communities, diplomatic missions, and public organizations.

The White House news briefing referred to in this report occurred this past Thursday (5 April) when Obama regime officials were queried about the latest shock downgrade of the United States credit rating stating that to the American people this critical event should be kept in the category of a “non-story” so as not to confuse and/or shock them.

Most surprisingly, this report continues, the mainstream US news media, including their most important television networks and major newspapers, dutifully followed the directives of the Obama regime and failed to uniformly inform the American people of this momentous event.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
And so it goes...

I am amazed at a story I heard yesterday on the radio about the price of gasoline. Not once was the value of the dollar found at fault. Not once. Many side shows about supply and demand, and how we are exporting gas and diesel. No one noticed the currancy value. I guess the Russians have noticed the ink on our money isn't dry just yet....

Now if the rest of the country would wake up....

Regards, Kirk


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
And so it goes...

I am amazed at a story I heard yesterday on the radio about the price of gasoline. Not once was the value of the dollar found at fault. Not once. Many side shows about supply and demand, and how we are exporting gas and diesel. No one noticed the currancy value. I guess the Russians have noticed the ink on our money isn't dry just yet....

Now if the rest of the country would wake up....

Regards, Kirk

Scary, ain't it? Meanwhile...........the disciples blindly follow their annointed one to the edge of the abyss. Our mounting crippling debt and devalued dollar are the biggest threat to our way of life as we know it right now. Of course this administration would prefer we remain focused on other things such the threats from Iran and NK. Both of which are real in their own right, but nowhere near as scary as our economic woes we are presently facing.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Scary, ain't it? Meanwhile...........the disciples blindly follow their annointed one to the edge of the abyss. Our mounting crippling debt and devalued dollar are the biggest threat to our way of life as we know it right now. Of course this administration would prefer we remain focused on other things such the threats from Iran and NK. Both of which are real in their own right, but nowhere near as scary as our economic woes we are presently facing.

So true TR.

Anyone know if any other president has ever ordered a news blackout on items of this nature?

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter
Only in times of war or military action (such as Grenada) where lives were at stake. To the best of my knowledge this is the first time the press went along with such a request (Nixon tried it during Watergate but his request went nowhere).