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Any commercials you HATE?

Deadly Sushi

The One, The Only, Sushi
Anyone have those commercials that are unbarebly bad? The ones that you want to kick youre TV screen in because of?

For Me its the Pepto Bismol commercials. :glare:
The one with the little white talking wart.

The freecreditreport.com commercials

That new one about the miniature oreo bites, it has the oddest music in the background.
What's a commercial? :confused:

Are those the breaks in my show that I fast forward through on the DVR?
What's a commercial? :confused:
Are those the breaks in my show that I fast forward through on the DVR?

Yes Dave, commercials are the reason it still takes us 23 minutes to watch a 22 minute show with a DVR. If only the commercial breaks would become a uniform length they could add a usable "commercial skip" button to the remote.
All the ones with Billy Mays yelling at you, like OxiClean!

[ame="http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1102043/fred_vanore_producer_oxiclean_powder_tv_commercial/"]Fred Vanore Producer OxiClean Powder TV Commercial - Video[/ame]
Subway.... Five Dollar footlongs....................................... That song kills me..................
OK... I have left this alone, but Princess and I HATED the "You really CAN be just a little bit pregnant" ones.... :wtf: Either you are or your not. None of this just a little bit crap! :pat:
All food commercials because they make me hungry

All car commercials because I am not going to buy a car just because some jerk is YELLING at me to buy one

Any commercial that has little kids doing all the talking... I can't even underdstand what the little boogers are saying face to face and you want me to understand them when they are reading cue cards!!!! Give me a break!
All food commercials because they make me hungry

All car commercials because I am not going to buy a car just because some jerk is YELLING at me to buy one

Any commercial that has little kids doing all the talking... I can't even underdstand what the little boogers are saying face to face and you want me to understand them when they are reading cue cards!!!! Give me a break!

Why DO all the car ads have someone screaming at you? Do they think we are deaf?:hammer:
There ain’t no bugs on me.
Then I can’t get it out of my head.
Icy Drink at 7-11
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXWm2hB0bkM&feature=related"]YouTube - my icy drink[/ame]

I'd like to de-lung the guy who screams that thing grrrrrrr
Then he has to scream and repeat the phone number 3 times as well.
The Sprint commercial with the woman falling in love with a phone.
There's a voice-over guy in Nashville, I watch mostly Nashville channels, who has one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard. I must be the only one who thinks so, because his voice is all over radio and tv both for numerous different products.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6EiqcuGpV4"]YouTube - Dr. Scholl's - Massaging Gel Insoles - Are You Gellin'[/ame]

The guy in this one drives me bats:hammer:

That girl in the Progressive Insurance commercials is really annoying. (The one in the store selling stuff to the customers).
I've changed my mind. I just saw the women's deodorant, Secret maybe, where the woman is running around with her arms over her head. I'm so fresh! It's my new worst. AIIIIEEEEE!!
Any commerical that uses a song from a 60's/70's/80's rock band or artist who (band or artist in question) use to be "anti establishment".
I saw the title of this thread and it made me think of this commercial. Then I had to go look for it and it pissed me off all over again! Mrs. Bone and I despise this woman as she is so annoying!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l95xD_vDQWo"]YouTube - HughesNet Commercial[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWrwJbHQNlM"]YouTube - EMBARQ "Made of Gold" Commercial[/ame]

It was cute the first time I saw it- now it's like they play it every half hour on CNN or Fox..:smileywac:bangin:
Ohhh, I dunno about the Hughesnet commercial. I didn't really notice that it was annoying. Of course, I was too busy oggling the drop front of her top. :brows: