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Another setback in the battle


Gone But Not Forgotten
My cell counts have been climbing for the last 4 months and are now over 5 times the normal range. Doc has me taking double doses of the nasty pills and now I have to go for blood draws every week. Even before the med change I have been waking with night sweats to where my neck and head are totally wet. Not feeling all that bad for the most part but sleep is sure tough to get for any length of time. I actually have been feeling a little better since I fired up the a/c the other day. It is what it is and not much I can do about any of it!:yum::yum:
Sorry to hear it's taken a turn for the worse.

Can the docs give you something or sleep? Ambien or Trazadone?
Hey Muley ur tough and with our prayers this is gonna be just a minor setback! Will be praying for you!
I'll 4th all that Muley. Prayers my friend. Never fret ...We'll help you pull through.
Started getting some blood spots under the skin so will be calling the docs on Monday. It is on my arms and I don't know if sunlight the other day helped bring it on or my cell counts are behind it.:hammer:
Started getting some blood spots under the skin so will be calling the docs on Monday. It is on my arms and I don't know if sunlight the other day helped bring it on or my cell counts are behind it.:hammer:
Ya know Bill, sometimes I get up and whine about going to work, or digging weeds, (insert worthless gripe here) and today was one of those days.

And then, I read about this hill you're climbing and I feel like a sniveling little girl. I've got no issues to complain about. Still doesn't stop me though I guess. You my friend have enough load to carry that the rest of us are getting a free ride through life.

Take care of yourself. Like to fish? If so, go do it. Try to take some time off from this crappy hand you're playing. It's got to get better.

Even though the docs say it is no big deal about the spots my INR levels are way low also. So they have me taking double dose on the warfarin too. So basically I am taking a shitload of poison right now. Was supposed to go for blood work this morning but I have to be at the foot doc tomorrow morning to get my diabetic shoes and they are only 4 blocks from the cancer center. Felt wore out and napped for over 2 hours yesterday. As it warms up the wood burning will slow down but the grass mowing will increase.:hammer:
Went to the cancer center on Wed. for more blood draws and things were a little better. Thursday I felt really rough so Friday morning I went to the old doc lady and she drew 3 vials of blood for more tests. Told me the head pains were from the warfarin. When I got home I tested my coumadin levels and called the clinic. They told me to take more on Friday and test again Tuesday. Saturday I was just getting ready to tear a pump off my wood boiler when her office called and said I was to sit real still and do nothing till she called me or I could bleed to death. Seems my platelets and white cells had crashed drastically since Wed. She had me drop all the extra poison pills and was trying to get a call to the cancer doc. She told me I could go inpatient or promise to sit around and do nothing strenuous till Tuesday when I go back to the cancer center. It was bad enough the lab had called her on a holiday weekend to make sure she could warn me. So..I sit and wait. Thank god for some racing to help pass the time.:hammer:
It was a good race until near the end.

You mean the last lap when the American came from behind and won the race?

First time an American won the race if at least a few years.

...So..I sit and wait. Thank god for some racing to help pass the time.:hammer:

Stiff upper lip man. Its a long hard road. But it can be won.

My mom was given 90 days to live by the Mayo Clinic.

A year after that she took up golf.

A year after she took up golf she won her first ladies tournament at the club.

So the question to you is: DO YOU LIKE GOLF?
No. I was thinking in terms of the fact that the race was accident free except for one touch on the wall until just before the end. Half of the race was run before they even had a yellow flag. I was rooting for him.
Bill, I've been on warfarin over 10 years for circulation problems and afib.

My cardiologist recommended eliquis last fall. My other docs agreed. Got rid of some of the side effects and the monthly pt/inr tests. Also cut down the number of pills per day. Ask them if it would fit your situation.

Hang in the mule. Find some thing good to read and pass the time. We all hope your next visit will be better...

Rergards, Kirk
Bill, I will keep you in my thoughts. hope you get this under control. May the Great One guide and protect you.
Some say "Soldiers and first responders" are heros. I agree, they can be. I think you are a hero also Muley, for living life, one day at a time. You really inspired me to a better attitude about a LOT of things. Owe ya one. THANKS!

God bless,
Hang in there Mule.......I was on the rat poisen for a while and then stuf caled lovonox......it aint fun but better than the alternitive....take care of yourself!!!!
Spent half the day Tuesday down at the hospital. After a bunch of testing they conclude either the lab made a mistake or their machine is way out of whack. I wonder if somebody dropped a decimal point on the printout and took 200+ and dropped it to 20. This was at a different hospital than I normally get tests done at. Got my coumadin level checked just to compare to my machine. It never hurts to compare results as there is no calibration procedure that I know of. So.... back to double doses of the poison and will test again next week.:hammer:
In my thoughts and prayers muley. :flowers:
Lots of things have been going on these past 6 months. Turns out the amiodorone they had me taking to control A-fib had messed my thyroid all up. The old lady doc caught that with a simple test back in August and we have been building my thyroid med slowly every 3 weeks since then. It is finally almost to a normal level. Could not take more because of heart palpitations. Since October I have been battling the prior liver problem as well as a lot of bone pain. Back in December my cell counts started whacking out again,except this time it has gotten worse to where today 6 different ones are bad. So when I went to see the cancer doc he drilled my butt for more bone marrow. Also have another liver scan and bone scan next Tuesday. He wonders how I have lost 10 lbs. but my liver has gotten bigger. Things don't look real promising but there ain't nothing I can do about it. Hope my sore butt is well enough for plowing snow since we are to get a bunch again this weekend. I have been hurting so bad lately that I can't stand to sit real long and end up laying down in bed a lot. Life goes on!:yum::yum:
Sorry to hear all that Muley. Keep on keeping on my friend. Prayers coming your way. :beer: