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Another Bin Laden Video...Please


Does anybody actually believe Osama Yo Mama Lama Bin Laden is alive? Or is the media keeping him alive to prevent martyrdom? I believe the latter. With modern technology, Bin Lama could have easily been filmed by his disciples holding a copy of a current USA today. This dude is dead, but the US government wants to keep him alive for strategic reasons and the MSM is on board either to assist, or more likely, to show that Bush is too incompetent to catch him.

If Bin Laden's remains were discovered, it would stir up the Islamic world and they would crown another leader to take his place. Better to leave him alive and have the CIA "determine" these messages voiced over a static photograph are "authentic".

Yep, we have a big enough problem in Iraq to worry about without an heir to the Bin Laden throne. I wonder if Bush ever regrets poking the middleeastern hornets nest? At least Saddam kept the lid on the garbage can....now it's tipped over and all the kings horses and all the kings men will never be able to turn Iraq secular again.

Theocracy...Ain't it grand?


Now a Published Author
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He is more than likely buried in a cave by Tora Boara, from some kind of "Bunker Buster" from Heaven....


Charter Member
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... is the media keeping him alive to prevent martyrdom? ... With modern technology, Bin Lama could have easily been filmed by his disciples holding a copy of a current USA today.
You want a conspiracy theory?

Ever heard of Hari Seldon's tapes in the Time Vault, from Asimov's Foundation Trilogy?

For a while I've had a hunch bin Laden was raised on that stuff. Now I see there was a popular Arabic translation.


Guess what the Arabic translation of 'Foundation' is.... Yep!

This goes way beyond ultraconservative Islam as we understand it. Seeing this, it looks more like bin Laden and the rich Saudi kids who carried out 9/11 had a much broader and more intellectual view of what they want. I wonder if Condi ever read Asimov to more clearly understand the enemy.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Hey CB. Good to see you post!!!!! :thumb:

I understand why MSM or our government might want to keep Bin Laden alive, but Bin Laden's people would not. There would be a power struggle and word would get out. ....unless they are keeping it quiet for their own personal gain like being able to keep his cash flowing to them.
Hmmmm, maybe you are on to something CB.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Guess he was not dead in a cave somewhere! Living in relative luxury in a mansion by Paki standards.:whistling:


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
SUPER Site Supporter
The Ninth is the laughingstock of federal courts.:doh:

Can't disagree with ya Muleman, but the case argued in Grizzer's link was an Orly Taitz special filed after the 2008 election. Good luck with that!


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
Guess he was not dead in a cave somewhere! Living in relative luxury in a mansion by Paki standards.:whistling:
Maybe someone should send a message to the "theorists" over at Vinney's to let them know the details. Naw, they wouldn't believe it anyway. Scratch that idea.


New member
Can't disagree with ya Muleman, but the case argued in Grizzer's link was an Orly Taitz special filed after the 2008 election. Good luck with that!

Cha ching ... Taitz attempted to file before during and after -- watch the video... & listen to the judges Q's

here is another Kreep gets beat on for standing

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70AuOlrWly8&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - HISTORIC Evidence that Obama IS NOT ELIGIBLE to be PRESIDENT, was heard[/ame]


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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I believe Osama is alive. He's living in the same foreign country where Obama was born :hammer: