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Another $845 Mil For Fraud-Infested Welfare Program


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Just one more government program that needs to be done away with, or at the very least restructured so it actually goes to those in real need. Just because they have no fuckin clue how to budget their bills dont mean the American people dont. :glare:

The Obama Administration’s manic spending spree to help “low-income” populations isn’t taking a break for the holidays, this month allocating an additional $845 million to a fraud-infested welfare program that’s already received billions from U.S. taxpayers this year.
Incredibly, this particular initiative—known as Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)—is rife with corruption that’s routinely exposed in congressional probes and the media. This hasn’t stopped the Obama Administration from pouring huge sums of money into it, however.
Every year the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provides “needy” residents around the nation billions of dollars to pay for heating and cooling bills. That’s because the agency considers home energy a public health issue and therefore LIHEAP could help keep families safe and healthy. In fact, the agency encourages people to apply for funds by saying: “If you can’t afford to pay your home energy bill, your home may not be safe and you may be at risk of serious illness or injury,”
In late October HHS gave LIHEAP a whopping $1.7 billion to “ensure low-income families are able to meet their heating cost expenses this winter.” When that chunk of change was doled out, the agency said it was for “immediate needs” and that states could also access an “additional $136 million, if needed.”
Last week the agency distributed an additional $845 million to help low-income households with energy costs. The goal is to assure that “vulnerable families and seniors” can pay their heating bills and “stay warm during the holiday season and into early 2012,” according to an HHS assistant secretary. The same official says that, even as the economy shows signs of improvement, many Americans are struggling to make ends meet.
Under this welfare program the government has actually paid the air conditioning bills for thousands of dead people, convicted felons and federal employees whose salary exceeds the maximum income to qualify for the handouts. In fact, one federal employee admitted requesting “free money” after seeing the “long lines” of applicants. You can’t make this stuff up. The details are included in a congressional report documenting fraud in LIHEAP. Investigators blame lack of oversight for the problems.




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I have a couple of questions on this. First who is responsible for the oversight? Secondly who put the money up for this, as I would assume congress did? Last isn't congress responsible for oversight or do I have that wrong?


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I have a couple of questions on this. First who is responsible for the oversight? Secondly who put the money up for this, as I would assume congress did? Last isn't congress responsible for oversight or do I have that wrong?
I wish I could answer your question Joe, but IMO the POTUS is ultimatly resposible for ANYTHING that goes on while he is in office. Much like Holder should be held accountable for what goes on under his watch. We all no how that has worked out. :doh:


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I wish I could answer your question Joe, but IMO the POTUS is ultimatly resposible for ANYTHING that goes on while he is in office. Much like Holder should be held accountable for what goes on under his watch. We all no how that has worked out. :doh:

Actually the POTUS is responsible for his duties of enforcing the rule of law, which is passed by congess. It isn't oversight nor deciding where the money goes or even how much is allocated. The POTUS isn't a dictator just 1/3 of the balance of power.

As for Holder yes he should be accountable for his actions as all Justice Department heads in the past though few are held to that standard which is also due to congress.


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Actually the POTUS is responsible for his duties of enforcing the rule of law, which is passed by congess. It isn't oversight nor deciding where the money goes or even how much is allocated. The POTUS isn't a dictator just 1/3 of the balance of power.

As for Holder yes he should be accountable for his actions as all Justice Department heads in the past though few are held to that standard which is also due to congress.
Under Obamas own admission several times even before he was elected for office he said he would accept any and all resposiblity for all that goes on under his watch. The buck stops here , remember.

He has no problem controlling things he has no fucking buisiness doing, but yet so many continually let him off the hook for his failures and people he has put into place in his own administration.

If you want to blame everything on congress fine, but I hold Obama accountable for the hope, change and transperency he promised, all of which has been pure bullshit from the get go. I best quit there before I say WTF I really thing about the MF. :hammer:


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Yes I do blame most of this countries on Congress and that is because they write all of our laws period. Presidents can ask but if congress doesn't go along it doesn't happen long term regardless.

What I don't understand is you bitch when he acts, bitch when he doesn't and never bitch about the congress that causes most of our problems as they control the purse strings, pass the laws and expect the president to abide by them. I'm not making any more excuse for Obama than I would for any previous president as they are all subject to the what congress passes as they don't pass laws.


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Yes I do blame most of this countries on Congress and that is because they write all of our laws period. Presidents can ask but if congress doesn't go along it doesn't happen long term regardless.

What I don't understand is you bitch when he acts, bitch when he doesn't and never bitch about the congress that causes most of our problems as they control the purse strings, pass the laws and expect the president to abide by them. I'm not making any more excuse for Obama than I would for any previous president as they are all subject to the what congress passes as they don't pass laws.
Joe theres no doubt in my mind that damn near everyone in the entire administration, is at fault in most cases. I include the house as well as the congress in the term "administration" wether its fitting or not. :wink:

But Yes I do lay the biggest blame on Obama for playing more politics then any other President I have seen in my lifetime, not for the good of the country but only to continue his campaign to be a two term president. He is the only one that has never quit campaining since he has been in office IMO. Everything that seems to have been good things done, he not only has taken total credit for, but gives very little credit to those that should be given the credit.

I'm not only talking about all his golf outings, partys and vacations, because most have done the same thing in the past, just not to this extent or while our country is on the path of destruction. Its been over 900 days and he still has not done anything about any budget of any kind being passed more then just kicking the can down the road so all can take their breaks or vacations, that is not what a leader does and thats why I am so pissed as well as most of the folks in this country. It should be no different then any buisness IMO and anyone that has done such a piss poor job would have been fired or would have resigned a long time ago.

I know thats not possible so I will just continue to express my disgust untill he & his anti American wife are long gone. That is one of the few rights I still have. :doh:


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Joe theres no doubt in my mind that damn near everyone in the entire administration, is at fault in most cases. I include the house as well as the congress in the term "administration" wether its fitting or not. :wink:

But Yes I do lay the biggest blame on Obama for playing more politics then any other President I have seen in my lifetime, not for the good of the country but only to continue his campaign to be a two term president. He is the only one that has never quit campaining since he has been in office IMO. Everything that seems to have been good things done, he not only has taken total credit for, but gives very little credit to those that should be given the credit.

I'm not only talking about all his golf outings, partys and vacations, because most have done the same thing in the past, just not to this extent or while our country is on the path of destruction. Its been over 900 days and he still has not done anything about any budget of any kind being passed more then just kicking the can down the road so all can take their breaks or vacations, that is not what a leader does and thats why I am so pissed as well as most of the folks in this country. It should be no different then any buisness IMO and anyone that has done such a piss poor job would have been fired or would have resigned a long time ago.

I know thats not possible so I will just continue to express my disgust untill he & his anti American wife are long gone. That is one of the few rights I still have. :doh:

Sorry Cowboy but I find the above statement down right unbelievable. I guess you might be suffering from memory loose I guess. Perhaps you don't remember the previous administration going after democrats with the justice department and not doing the same with republicans. Never mind some of the questionable legislation that was passed the first 6 years. Perhaps you forget about the money spent all through the Clinton administration investigating him all for political reasons by the republican party. You also seem to have forgotten the Nixon and the Watergate scandal. Sorry guy it is the same old same old BS from all of them.


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Sorry Cowboy but I find the above statement down right unbelievable. I guess you might be suffering from memory loose I guess. Perhaps you don't remember the previous administration going after democrats with the justice department and not doing the same with republicans. Never mind some of the questionable legislation that was passed the first 6 years. Perhaps you forget about the money spent all through the Clinton administration investigating him all for political reasons by the republican party. You also seem to have forgotten the Nixon and the Watergate scandal. Sorry guy it is the same old same old BS from all of them.
No Joe I haven't forgot about the previous Presidents or their history, I am just saying that in my opinion Obama is by far worse, because it seems to me we dont even have any one thats "acting" like a leader much less being one. :wink:

Theres a big difference between continually running our country into the ditch, rather then not even having anyone behind the wheel. To me thats exactlly where we are at and its only going to get worse. :sad:

That said, I recon we will just continue to agree to disagree, because in my eyes you, nor I had anything to do with being in the situation we are in, and there aint a damn thing we can do about it. :tiphat:


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Well you are entitle to your opinion of Obama and his administration, however I see the ditch moving away slowly but surely. I do agree though that neither of us can fix the problems that is for sure. :flowers:


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Well you are entitle to your opinion of Obama and his administration, however I see the ditch moving away slowly but surely.
Coming out of the ditch? Based upon what? What Obama says?

Obama says "12 months continuous job growth". Right. A rate of growth that will take 40-50 years to recover.

Obama says lower unemployment. Right. A cooked rate that doesn't include the 16-20% rate for the under-employed, those that exhausted the 99 week benefits or those that simply gave up on looking for work.

Lies, lies and more lies. But the sheeple will believe it to be true. And you're no sheeple, joec. Why do you promote his crap?



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Coming out of the ditch? Based upon what? What Obama says?

Obama says "12 months continuous job growth". Right. A rate of growth that will take 40-50 years to recover.

Obama says lower unemployment. Right. A cooked rate that doesn't include the 16-20% rate for the under-employed, those that exhausted the 99 week benefits or those that simply gave up on looking for work.

Lies, lies and more lies. But the sheeple will believe it to be true. And you're no sheeple, joec. Why do you promote his crap?


You are absolutly free to believe what you want and the same it true for me. To me most of what is spouted here is crap too.