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A storage disc finder ??


Gone But Not Forgotten
Is there a Computer program that I can buy that will help me keep tract of all my stuff in my shop ? I am moving myself to Idaho and have a very large shop to store a lot of stuff in . I would like to think there is a program that I could buy that would tell me where the hell I stored my 3way electrical switches or that 3/4 to 1/2 inch Copper reducer . I know I got it but through the years stuff gets lost . I don't want to end up buying stuff again that I already have stored away ......
Excel? But with any program, the data entry would be a major PITA. Any experts in inventory out there?
I would like to think I could type in the name I am searching for and it would tell me where it was store in the shop .
The problem(hassle) would be that you would have to enter where you stored everything. That is a lot of data entry to do. You could get a label printer that writes bar codes and then barcode everything and use a barcode scanner (found on smart phones these days) to scan stuff. Still seems like a PITA unless you are a big geek that likes to program.

I'd suggest storing stuff in theme sections and lots of clearly labeled bins. ;)
Have a look through a few of these free software's......it will be a long process doing a detailed inventory but if you have the time and patience it will pay off.


When i run goods in/out for a few different companies i had major headache with the stock control due to the fact no one but me put stuff away where it belonged....Jerks......the trick is to be accurate in place descriptions and to stay on top of updating the Logs.

Good luck.
Get a cell phone to attach to each item. Keep the item in your address book for what it is. i.e. "3.8-16x2.5 stainless socket head cap screw". Make sure your main phone can store thousands and thousands of numbers. Then simply call the number. Instant find.

Gawd, I am so smart.................

Seriously, keeping an inventory would take more time than it would be worth. Every time you put something away, or bought something new, you'd have to record it. And then I'm sure you would want to track usage, costs, shrinkage, etc. This could be a full time job Al.
Al's ACE hardware store! Just organize it by categories and then sort it down more as you get spare time. I did a lot of my hardware after my heart troubles and sorted fine and coarse thread bolts, sheet metal screw from machine thread screws etc. It makes it a lot faster to find stuff when you are working on a project.
Hell Al I dont know why you need a fancy puter program to keep things organised . I have a lot of stuff too & I know right where everythings at :yum:


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Screw the computer crappola. It's way too much time, and as soon as you don't update it, you're fucked! Like most smart contractors who work out of their trucks, organization is a must. I can tell you where anything is in my truck, and send you there to find it right where I said it was. It's not anal, it's necessary to maintain a good inventory.

At home I use a similar system comprised of bins that are available from Harbor Freight & Garbage. A place for everything, and everything in its place. Being an open system, you can readily see where everything is at. If you have a dusty environment, old sheets or tarps can be thrown over the rack.


I had a similar issues years ago where we were moving into a smaller house and had to store lots of stuff. I needed to be able to access the stored stuff easily (or as easy as possible).
I stored it all away in boxes, listing each item in each box and then numbering the boxes. Things that didn't fit it boxes I listed by the section of the building I stored them in. Not perfect but not to hard to implement .... and it worked.
I then entered the lists, box numbers, non boxed item info all into an excel spreadsheet. Made it very easy for searching but a word document would also lend itself to searching. Either would work.
Cowboy, your place is a treasure hunter's dream.

Thanks Jev , Actually those pics are from a few years ago I actually have it all sorted & the whole garage redone & organised beleive it or not . :yum:

I Redid all of the cabnits & sorted every piece & moved to another building to Reorganise so I can sell it & have my shop setup in that garage , each cabnit is marked with a label maker where I know right where everything is . Its took forever but well worth it . :biggrin:
Hell Al I dont know why you need a fancy puter program to keep things organised . I have a lot of stuff too & I know right where everythings at :yum:

My old place had a shed that looked just like yours! :yum:
A friend had a breaker go bad at night called me I was in the mountains told him were one was.
He was totally amazed that I new with in 12" were the breakers were amongst all my other junk.
