Long range planning, one area for the dogs (lower back), and perhaps two areas for horses (WAY down the road).
House sits with about 8 acres of land around it (mowing, areating, fertilizing issues that I've mentioned) with a creek in the back. On the backside of the house to the creek has about 14 acres, across the creek up to the tree line is about another 16 acres. Any "pasture" that you can see is what I have to work with.
Very long story, I leased the land (30 acres) to a farmer who did NOTHING other than bush hog it once a year (actually, he bushed hogged it one time in three years). Last straw was a couple of months ago when he normally shows up unnanounced and created some havoc with the dogs (for three years he bush hogged it one time, and I asked around, felt like I was being taken advantage of for what he was making using the cattle).
The first picture gives you an idea of where I want to put the fence in for the dogs. Planning on running the fence to your left of our well (which you can see, towards you from the light) and perhaps about 15 yards up from the tree line. The tree line in the middle of the pic is the creek. The tree line that you see up on top of the pic is the "secondary" fence that I may run for horses down the road.
Well, I have one fenced in area that I paid to have put up for three dogs (our own, did not start with the Humane Society yet). Paid about $1300 for 3" post along with 4" end post with one 4' gate and one 8' gate.
Looking at the porperty, and now having 9 dogs (six in foster care, but hey, they might as well be ares unless if someone is intereste

). Since I don't have cattle to deal with, want to make a large run area in the back just for the dogs. Square, enough away from the creek that when and if I get a tractor, I can cut on both sides of the fence.
The scond pic is right above the burn pile I did over the weekend. This is around where I plan on putting a corner post. Brian, that Stihl backpack blower did wonders with that burn pile, let me tell you!
The third pic is looking towards the area where I'll put in the dog fence. The creek is behind me in this pic. Go out about 30 yards from this pic, take a left and go up a steep hill, there you will find the house. You notice what looks like a road, it is, goes across a smaller creek and up a hill to two other secondary fields (thats where I hunt).
Fencing materials will be electric fence (I'm planning). Yes, will need to look at how low I can run the wire, but thinking about laying something "low" so the dogs can't get underneath.
Honestly, guy who had the auger made it sound easy. Now that I'm over 40, have had bad shoulders when I was younger and it's catching up to me where I can feel it. I probably will bag on trying to do it myself.
The last pic is pretty much standing in the middle of where I plan on putting a fence.
In the first, second and fourth pic, you can see the area that I may plan on for horses (beyond the first tree line at the creek). We've gotten involved with a local equine rescue group, and the fact is we have land that is now not being used for anything (primary reason for buying it is so we owned it and could do what we want). Working with this equine rescue group, sooner or later we will put a couple of horses out there. Currently there everything is behind barbed wire, which will need to come out. Of course perhaps looking at some outbuildings for any horses, but again, long rang planning (we got involved with the local law enforcement agency on horse abuse with our positions with the Humane Society, so this is something we know well end up doing down the road).
Question I have about the t-posts is how long will they last? Honestly, would like something that will stay around for some time. Thinking that 3" running post about 40'-50' apart with 6" corner post using electric wire should suffice for the horses, and honestly, the cheapest way I can think of doing it other than those t-posts.
3 years at this place and I met a couple of you over at the other place. Fact is I still don't have a tractor, won't finance one, and everytime I think I may have enough for a decent used one or a new 40 hp plus with attachements, something else comes up and there goes the money
My wife and I know nothing about farming, and we could be living a pipe dream, but we believe we should "rotate" the land and not abuse it year after year utilizing just one spot (as the farmer seem to do with feeding all of those cattle). The fenced in area is really starting to get beat up and I want to make another area for the dogs so I can move them and try to take care of the lawn in the fenced in area.