Spock and Galvatron < one and the same
Last christmas I got some toy soldiers,
To play with when I'm in bed,
But I got bored with my seargents and majors,
So I played with my privates instead.
Does Graham Norton's boyfriend bother to wear a condom to protect him from the virus that causes AIDS? Or does he just go for Norton Anti- Virus?
Apparently alot of sniffer dogs are vanishing into thin air.
Police say they have several leads...
My lad said earlier "Can we go to McDonald's?"
I said "You can if you can spell it."
He replied "Fu*k it, can we go to KFC instead?"

To play with when I'm in bed,
But I got bored with my seargents and majors,
So I played with my privates instead.
Does Graham Norton's boyfriend bother to wear a condom to protect him from the virus that causes AIDS? Or does he just go for Norton Anti- Virus?
Apparently alot of sniffer dogs are vanishing into thin air.
Police say they have several leads...
My lad said earlier "Can we go to McDonald's?"
I said "You can if you can spell it."
He replied "Fu*k it, can we go to KFC instead?"