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A couple of firsts yesterday.....


Active member
I did a couple of things yesterday that I had never done before. Totally one of those screw up type days. Glad that neither one of them was major and no damage. As some may know, we have goats. We've been raising them for a few years now and bought a new one back in the spring. Part of the deal was, she went back to her previous owner to be bred with their buck. Anyway, she is supposed to go back into heat on Wednesday or Thursday. Since we didn't want to have to be traveling the 85 miles or so to take her there on Thanksgiving day, we decided to take her yesterday. As we are pulling out of the yard, I made quick casual mention to Monica that the stock trailer was pulling heavy - mind you we are pulling a 16' stock trailer that weighs 3500 lbs for 1 130 lb goat.:brows: I said must be because everything is cold and stiff. We kept going and it didn't get any better. I also noticed the truck wasn't shifting into 4 gear like it normally does when pulling the stock trailer light. So we drive, almost to Columbus (about 35 miles or so) I happen to look down at the 4x4 buttons. The AutoTrac light was on. Push the 2WD button, immediately the truck shifted into 4th and the trailer "lightened" up. No harm/no foul other than cost me a little bit extra in gas. So we finish the trip to the people's farm we were going to. We drop the goat off and talk for awhile. Then we get ready to leave, she says back the trailer over her...blah, blah... so I start to back the trailer and it and I just weren't getting along yesterday. On the curve of the driveway, I just couldn't get the trailer to go the direction I wanted it to. Then the kids yell STOP!!! They said we were close. So I pull up and get another shot at - in reality I should have pulled up and started over, but I didn't. Finally I get back home and I'm back in the driveway and Monica says Is that a dent in the front of the trailer? I said, I don't know. We get out and look and sure enough the whole right front of the trailer is caved in. Apparently I had jackknifed the truck and trailer when the kids yelled stop and I was closer than we all thought. No damaged to the truck other than the chrome on the bump is scuffed a little bit. Fortunately I was able to go inside the stock trailer and kick the front wall out without any lingering damage. So two things I had never done before, not checked the 4x4 switch and jackknifed a trailer....don't wanna do either one again. At least both turned out OK, both could've been much worse...i.e. had it been true 4x4 instead of the AutoTrac and torn the truck and trailer up badly.


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
All you can do is laugh it off. Can't be a rocket scientist EVERY day. :yum:

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
You know it could have been alot worse....It could have damaged the rear corner of the truck and also to the trailer. If this were me, I would consider myself lucky!!

Some days I can backup a 44ft semi trailer some days I wonder how to....

Stock trailers are bad as you cann't see to know, and if you go too far it harms things. Actually harder if they are shorter... Been there done that.

What kind of goat? Meat or other?

Regards, Kirk

Big Dog

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Glad it turned out OK ........... We helped move our best friends daughter to MD over the weekend and I was pulling a 12 foot covered trailer with my 2500 loaded, trailer and bed. No problems going down (ended up buying the Harley beings I had a empty trailer ... :biggrin:), just typical bad gpm. On the way home we fought a head wind most of the way. On one 100 mile stretch, I used a half a tank of gas with a wonderful gpm of 6.5, oh the cost of fun stuff!


Active member
You know it could have been alot worse....It could have damaged the rear corner of the truck and also to the trailer. If this were me, I would consider myself lucky!!

Some days I can backup a 44ft semi trailer some days I wonder how to....

Stock trailers are bad as you cann't see to know, and if you go too far it harms things. Actually harder if they are shorter... Been there done that.

What kind of goat? Meat or other?

Regards, Kirk

Yep, I certainly was lucky. Last thing I would want to do would be to have to spend money to fix a 14 year old truck. Trying to hold off buying a new(er) one for a couple years yet.

This one that we were taking is a LaMancha, her name is Xanthic, but we call her Xany (Zany). My daughter took Reserve Grand Champion Dairy Goat with her at our county fair this year. She has her dry leg and hoping to get her a second championship with the ADGA this year. She also just missed getting her milking star this year by one point, hope to get that this year as well with her second freshening.

She is 1 of the 15 goats we have right now. We have 2 of the LaMancha Does, 3 Alpine Does, 3 Boer Does, 2 unregistered Toggenburg Does, 2 Alpine Bucks, 1 Boer Buck, a Pygmy Doe (pet) and a Pygmy/Boer Wether(pet). When done for the season 1 of the LaMancha and the rest of the does except for the Pygmy should be pregnant.


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Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Wow, your daughter sure has grown up. You will have to fight the boys off with a stick or two or three. Good luck.
Very nice looking goats. Impressive for sure. No wonder your building them that nice new home. :thumb:

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
Not as far as I know, but I could have used some after spending 3 1/2 - 4 hours with 3 kids in the back seat of the truck.:1062:
I once had the same problem I bought a camper shell and put 2 pieces of glass between me and the are we there and grabass games. now a relaxing ride is still relaxing.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
That is a fine looking goat. They were always fun as long as they were in the pasture. They could get out 1/4 mile away from the house and still end up in the garden.:hammer: As for the trailer, be damn glad it was the trailer and not the taillight lens. Those suckers are crazy expensive. I always remind the Amish what they cost when they get rammy loading stuff on my truck. Same for the back window.