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A ?????? 4 dzalphakilo


Extra Super Moderator
I have been looking at your avatar picture for over a week and have yet to figure out what the wifes right hand is doing. Please solve the mystery for me and post a full size pictures...... thanks Junk....


  • Copy of #88_Rings.jpg
    Copy of #88_Rings.jpg
    2 KB · Views: 137


Funny, I had to hollar out to my wife in the kitchen and ask her:eek:

Her hand is really doing nothing other than holding my hand so we can show our wedding rings for the picture.

You did however have me wondering as well:eek:


  • #88_Rings.jpg
    40.8 KB · Views: 132


Thinking about it, no. Drove up from N.C to Pa for the wedding, then drove up to Vt for the honeymoon and see old friends. Took my running watch instead, didn't go with the "clothes" for the wedding (I've lost more pocket knives and watches than I'd like to admit).


Active member
I've got to admit something. First thing I thought about when I saw your hand was, nice veins-easy to start an I.V.!



BoneheadNW said:
I've got to admit something

So do I. My first thought was "why" per your statement about my veins (and I had a very perplexed look on my face when I read that!):eek:

I'm hoping that it's due to your medical training:D


Extra Super Moderator
You know how these ambulance guys are. They get paid extra for every IV that they start and they have to do a certain number every year to keep up the certification. We are nothing more than a pin cushion to them. When they look into your eyes, they are looking into your pocket also. It all means more $$$$$$ for them in their pockets. They are nothing more than a bunch of blood suckers trying to part us with our money. The worse part is when they screw up, they just bury there mistakes. :D :D
Then... Retired EMS

Now.... Mourningwood Mortuary..... Happy to see you go, and we are the last to let you down. :wave:


Might be true:D but...

Last week got of the phone with my dad, quick conversation, was in a meeting and he called on my cell. He sounded "hurried", he was "breaking up" (bad cell spot on my end). Told him I'd call him back ina few.

Tried calling him back about six times and the phone was busy. Starting to get somwhat aggrivated because I told him I'd call him back within 10 minutes and the phone was busy for the next 1/2 hour.

Started to get worried because he is over 70, so I called an operator to "break" in on the phone line to let him know I was trying to call him (since he sounded "hurried" wasn't sure if there was some sort of emergency back home).

Operator told me that although the phone line was busy, there was one on the line.

This got me more concearned. Not sure waht to do, don't want to overreact, but...

Called the local EMT crew a couple of miles down the road and told them of the situation.

Guy asked for directions, sent a guy out to check on him. Turns out the phone company was doing repairs across the street, reason why the phone was "down". Everything ok with my dad, he just wanted to "vent" about his older sister.

Now...haven't got a bill yet:D , but sure was nice of the EMT crew!


Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
humor_me said:
Dz, your avatar should be humorous, I see no humor there.

Pot...meet kettle. :D

(for the record, at the time of this post, humor_me has no avatar at all!)


Active member
dzalphakilo said:
Now...haven't got a bill yet:D , but sure was nice of the EMT crew!
Bill? Doesn't your fire dept handle medical emergencies? That's what tax $$ are for.

Junk- You got it right. We have a quota for nuber of sticks per year. If you don't make it, someone else's arms gotta pay. :cry:
