Gone But Not Forgotten
As of today I have helpped cut and baled a little over 7400 bales of hay this season, which started about 2 weeks ago . With helping my nieghbor who cut off his finger in his swather , it added a lot of bales to the season average. Tomorrow I start baleing the last ranch which should gain us another 1000 - 1500 bales . Its been a good year . I turned down haying another 100 acres of hay yesterday ,as I have run out of room to put it .Prices are pretty low because we have so much . $70 a ton .
Pretty much everthing is sore , but I have given my body and shoulder a pretty good workout in the last few weeks . No wonder you never see old farmers and ranchers at health clubs.They don't need it . People should be paying me just to do this excercise

Pretty much everthing is sore , but I have given my body and shoulder a pretty good workout in the last few weeks . No wonder you never see old farmers and ranchers at health clubs.They don't need it . People should be paying me just to do this excercise