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25 years


Gone But Not Forgotten
Not bragging or anything, but today my wife and I celebrate 25 years together. We both took the day off and just relaxed. Trip up to our cabin and back but did nothing. Tonight the kids are coming home except one and we will have dinner all together.



New member
As I told my wife our last anniversary (we have been married 11+ years now): Wow, 11 years. That's 3 of the happiest years of my life!




Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Sometimes time can drag, but mostly it flys. 25 years! Congrats Murph. I think that deserves a little horn tooting. Congrats to both of you!!!!! :beer: :beer:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
Murph, I hope to get there someday. Congrats!


GOLD Site Supporter
Murph, Congratulations !!! The wife and I have been married for around 28 years . There have been great times and nightmarish times for us .
But in looking back I don't think that I could have found a better person to be with . Again, congratulations on Your anniversity. John

Big Dog

Large Member
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GOLD Site Supporter
Congratz Murph, hope you have alot more!

2006 marks our 25th year and I have been informed it's gonna cost ($) me... :smileywac


Extra Super Moderator
Congratulations...... how long have you had a hearing aid????? :rofl1: Around here the saying goes "A bad day at work is still better than a good day with the wife."... :tiphat:


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
Congrats Murph!! Next year will be my 20th. Wow, 25...you wife must be a god!! :D My wife says that she may kill me before 25. ;)


Super Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
Dargo said:
My wife says that she may kill me before 25. ;)
My wife said the same sort of thing but unfortunately for me, she was talking about my age for several years.


Just Plinkin Away the $$
bczoom said:
Congrats Murph!!!
Ditto from me too !! If I combined the 1st & 2nd wives, I'd be up to 23 years. In my case, thank goodness for the early release parole I got from my 1st one !! My 2nd will be my last(Life is good now !!) Many more happy years to you, Murph !!!!!!!!!!!


Gone But Not Forgotten
Junkman said:
Congratulations...... how long have you had a hearing aid????? :rofl1: Around here the saying goes "A bad day at work is still better than a good day with the wife."... :tiphat:

What, you will have to talk louder as I did not hear what you said, would you rpeat that.:rofl1: