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20 Years


Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
20 years ago yesterday.....The Chicago Bears won SuperBowl XX

20 years ago tomorrow.....The Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed during launch.

I was one of the (un)lucky people at the time to watch the shuttle launch and destruction live during my highschool freshman geometry class.


New member
You had to go and remind me of that. I was pumping gas at a station on US Hwy 1 in Florida when someone said, "There goes the shuttle.". Although we're almost 200 miles from the Space Center, we can see the launches clearly while they're in the atmosphere. I looked up, and saw it split into 3 major pieces, which fell to Earth. I quietly remarked to the lady pumping gas next to me, "You just saw 7 brave people die."

It was many years after that before I could watch a launch again, and I usually only watch launches without people, like the Pluto probe last week.



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I was in kindergarten when the Challenger was destroyed. Although we didn't watch it in class, I remember seeing a lot of teachers crying that day. When I was in 3rd grade, a new elementary school was built in our district and they named it Krista McAuliffe. Their mascot was an Astronaut.



Active member
I was working the lunch rush at a pizza place while at the University of Florida. We had a TV in the restaurant and when the shuttle exploded, the place went quiet and all eyes were glued to the TV. No one placed an order or spoke for several minutes.


Master of Distraction
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Even in Canada, we all stopped what we were doing in our high school and went to the TV. Times were different then and there was a lot more respect for the US.