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1965 Thiokol 1202 Snowcat

if the price is appealing to you I happen to know where there is an oc- 12 to bolt in to it it would also require you add a transmission. I know lots of folks that have got a lot of time out of those stamped wheels but a change to perma groomer tires on the front wouls also be the first thing I would do.
I dont know too much about them but the price doesent seem to bad if could deal a bit on it to me. I just sold my cushman trackster I had all restored so going to try and find another tracked vehicle to tinker with for next winter. How much does a decent oc-12 usually go for
Pictures are lacking and the description is incomplete, but a 400 hour Thiokol 1202 snowcat is too high at $4,500?

Are you serious?
I agree with Blackfoot, this is a deal!! If a guy doesn't score this one you will wish you did while looking at others with price tags above 8K.
Lea dejon,

Are you going to pull things?

I have that model spryte here in WI and I am really starting to like the OC-4 rear.
I have one in an imp and it is great there. it does light bladeing and track setting for Xcountry skiing.

I also recently acquired a OC-4 in a spryte like that one. With the reduction boxes on the spryte model the #3500 pound stryte is very responsive and drives very nice. Frozen lake and snowmobile trail speed is quite nice.

so if you are pulling massive loads or heavy blade-ing I guess I understand. if just fishing or light pulling give it a try.

If you are in east central WI. take mine for a spin in the mud. I have been picking up trail signs weekly in the snow laden mud and water of this wonderful spring.

I probably wont be pulling a whole lot just using for hauling wood, work and play, but I am usually harder on things so just like to have stuff over built. What is top speed on something like that im not to familiar with these yet just what ive read. The speed was only complaint on my Trackster it just got a little slow when your driving out a long ways, and a heated cab would be nice.
Hard on things. the OC 4 rear end was deployed in catepillars for dirt and tow motors alike. I think they get a bad rap here.

Top speed I think is either 19 or 23 mph Review the information on the safety one site. search safetyone and then find your way to the thiokol page.

Snow cats are not fast, 3x walking speed is a nice pace to haul a ton of fire wood, with heat and a coffee holder. and a partner or three.

good luck fighting off the (I want a snow cat disease)

Redskwrl you were right fighting off the i want a sno-cat is hard. I went and picked up that one in Wyoming, seems like it will be pretty good unit. I haven't pulled off rear diff cover yet, just got it off trailer today and got the engine running.just trying to get parts rounded up to rebuild all the hydraulics.
The Cure!


You are now enabled to shop for one for parts. After all having a parts machine is much more cost effective than purchasing all new items.

until the parts machine turns out to be less work than the main project in which case you fix both and the Cure spreads.

Enjoy the new hobby, remember the difference between a hobby and a habit is a......
Twelve step program!

Ya thats a good idea, getting one for parts wouldn't be bad idea long as I don't need to drive 2000 miles round trip again, but I probably need to let the other half cool down a bit before I try that. Hoping someone can help me I found some answers to my questions searching around but have few more. What should i do for tires im looking at getting new 8ply 5.30-12 for it all around and maybe filling the front ones, or is their something better that's needed and do I need tubes in them. Someone mentioned before that the two piece rims are bad and fail on the fronts if so where and how do they fail is their something I can reinforce and weld were the inner and outer parts of the rim come together or they break in a different spot. I got most all hydraulic parts figured out except the clutch master cylinder, any one have a parts number handy for rebuild kit or whole thing, and were do you add brake fluid to it.
almost forgot a couple pictures


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from the outside that looks pretty good don't get me started on those stamped wheels of 1/2 inch lug nuts that thing otherwise looks pretty good from the outside now you need to put in a nice Isuzu diesel and automatic transmission looking at it on your trailer it looks quite a bit lighter than my 2100 had mine on an equipment trailer this weekend and doing the math it added up to over 22k gcvw
The interior needs front seats recovered and bench seat built for the back. As much as i like my diesels I dont think I really want to have one in this. I might try find efi 300 6 cylinder and Automatic overdrive. Alot of isuzu diesels I find around here are of mid 90's and Indirect Injection and I dont want that. Im just happy the tracks look real nice and not all banged up
Great looking machine!!! I have a wedding to pay for or I would have had to have it! The 1202 Thiokols are awesome I think. I put an auto in front of the OC4 and its great. Good luck with your project
Oh and you pour the brake fluid in the top.
Just lift the rubber and pour it all over yourself and the floor.

Great fun.

There are a bunch of thiokol brake threads in the thiokol repair section. I have most of the ones you need bumped to the top in that section. I just did the same thing you are doing.

Ya thats a good idea, getting one for parts wouldn't be bad idea long as I don't need to drive 2000 miles round trip again, but I probably need to let the other half cool down a bit before I try that. Hoping someone can help me I found some answers to my questions searching around but have few more. What should i do for tires im looking at getting new 8ply 5.30-12 for it all around and maybe filling the front ones, or is their something better that's needed and do I need tubes in them. Someone mentioned before that the two piece rims are bad and fail on the fronts if so where and how do they fail is their something I can reinforce and weld were the inner and outer parts of the rim come together or they break in a different spot. I got most all hydraulic parts figured out except the clutch master cylinder, any one have a parts number handy for rebuild kit or whole thing, and were do you add brake fluid to it.

Lift up the top boot to put the fluid in, I would fill the tires into tubes it makes it
A lot easier to change in the future.

I like the Norwegian show plow leaned up in front of the machine I one picture
I like the Norwegian show plow leaned up in front of the machine I one picture

Hey Boggie,
Careful how you talk about Norwegians. Berserk is a lifestyle, ya know...
Have you seen a Norwegian icebreaker yet?


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Lift up the top boot to put the fluid in, I would fill the tires into tubes it makes it
A lot easier to change in the future.

I like the Norwegian show plow leaned up in front of the machine I one picture

Brad I thought that was a sweedish teaspoon as for front tires I picked up some perma groomer wheels for a br400 from one of Brads neighbors than I punched out the front studs and replaced the studs with 9/16 grade 8 bolts I will never have a wheel failure on the front again. the center tires don't take as much abuse but with the front fully wrapped as the track twist's it will twist the he!! out of the front wheel and parts. I, also up grading the drive sprockets to 9/16 as I had one of those snap wheel studs to. those are a little more involved as you have to re drill the holes larger after punching studs.
Love the way you waded up the trailer fenders! kind of like what I did to a 10,000 car hauler I hauled my 1742 tucker on! I took the tracks off after getting it on the trailer as I could not get a wide load permit on thanksgiving to hual it home from Oregon to Clarkston Washington, if you only paid $4000 you got a great buy! looks nice, and good luck.
from the outside that looks pretty good don't get me started on those stamped wheels of 1/2 inch lug nuts that thing otherwise looks pretty good from the outside now you need to put in a nice Isuzu diesel and automatic transmission looking at it on your trailer it looks quite a bit lighter than my 2100 had mine on an equipment trailer this weekend and doing the math it added up to over 22k gcvw
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