This truck I got in a trade deal in 2019, it currently has a 454 BBC with turbo 400, it weighs around 7000#. It drives very well but it gets somewhere around 6 mpg. The Cummins I bought in a running driving truck with 90k original miles. The guy I bought it from got it out of state and didn’t realize he couldn’t register it here, so I got it for a song. This project I will do at the same time as the power wagon but it will get done much sooner. Basically pull 2 engines and transmissions, pull the pan on the Cummins and install new bearings in the bottom end and add ARP studs to the mains and bolts to the rods, stud the head, bump the pump timing to 21 degrees advanced, bigger injectors and delivery valves,4000 rpm governor springs and paint it, that should double the factory output. It should be more peppy than the 454 and get over 20 mpg doing it. After the re power. Add A/C and a paint job. It going to be the perfect toy hauler.