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1955 Kristi

it looks complete, but as you notice like all krustys it's sitting in someone's yard, or driveway, and not running about in the snow. also it has the usual disclaimer needs restoration, meaning a make over so it will look like a snow trac.


  • image.jpg
    51 KB · Views: 385
The patent for the adjustable track mechanism is dated 1957 so I think its highly unlikely the Kristi in the auction would predate the patent.

You'll notice the patent was granted in '61.

I don't know my Kristi history well enough, but if that is a KT 3, would it not have been pre-dated by the KT 2, and since the KT 2 was the first to have the adjustable track, and since the adjustable track had the patent applied for in '57 and granted in 61, it seems to be a very dubious claim to call that a ''55.


  • image.jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 380
That is a KT3. No doubt about it . I would say it is a sixty models . A serial number could give us a correct build date .
Wow, never saw a Kristi for sale in NY. This one is only 40 miles away. I think I know the guy who has this . Its a Military surplus store becoming a military museum. He also has some Military Weasels in stock. One of those places you can't drive by and have to stop and look around!! Tons of neat stuff.
fixed description; krusty old tracked vehicle, under powered tracks articulate, needs total restoration, impossible to find parts, make offer....:yum::yum:
impossible to find parts, make offer....:yum::yum:

Not impossible .... You just need to know where to find them and be a member of FF . Doors will open and what you seek, will be found !!!

Oh! You also need to be nice to me or I won't tell you where to find the parts .

PS: $4800 is way to much for this rig . I would be hard pressed to pay any more than $2000 max . And .....I know where to find every and any part it needs .:brows::wink: