My daughter is 11 years old. But more about that later.
Just before Christmas we put in new counter tops in the kitchen. I even documented the installation of the cooktop a while back. Well there has been one NAGGING problem with the new kitchen and that is a leak under the sink. The contractor (who is NOT a plumber) has been out twice to fix it, and he sent out another guy two more times. I've been under there a few times more than I care to trying to fix it. Each time I think its fixed, it is not really fixed.
So today the lovely Mrs_B is out for a few hours and I decide to tackle the sink. Me or it. A death match. Only the victor shall leave alive. 2 hours later I am cleaning up the mess. I think I solved the problem. The garbage disposal was loose. It appears to have been just that simple. So months of screwing around with taking the pipes off, changing gaskets, refitting pipes, has perhaps all been a waste of time. But before I figured out that the disposal fitting was loose, I had taken off every pipe under the sink. And of course I had worked on this leak several other times and had 2 other people in here working on it, and it has been a minor, but nagging problem for 4 months!
About this time my 11 year old daughter says "Daddy, why didn't you just call a plumber?"
Now how do I tell my daughter that daddy is not as smart as a few pieces of plastic pipe?
Just before Christmas we put in new counter tops in the kitchen. I even documented the installation of the cooktop a while back. Well there has been one NAGGING problem with the new kitchen and that is a leak under the sink. The contractor (who is NOT a plumber) has been out twice to fix it, and he sent out another guy two more times. I've been under there a few times more than I care to trying to fix it. Each time I think its fixed, it is not really fixed.
So today the lovely Mrs_B is out for a few hours and I decide to tackle the sink. Me or it. A death match. Only the victor shall leave alive. 2 hours later I am cleaning up the mess. I think I solved the problem. The garbage disposal was loose. It appears to have been just that simple. So months of screwing around with taking the pipes off, changing gaskets, refitting pipes, has perhaps all been a waste of time. But before I figured out that the disposal fitting was loose, I had taken off every pipe under the sink. And of course I had worked on this leak several other times and had 2 other people in here working on it, and it has been a minor, but nagging problem for 4 months!
About this time my 11 year old daughter says "Daddy, why didn't you just call a plumber?"
Now how do I tell my daughter that daddy is not as smart as a few pieces of plastic pipe?