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help advice design construction frame small gantry crane for chain hoist


New member
aiuto consiglio progettazione costruzione telaio piccola gru a cavalletto per paranco a catena
Ciao, per motivi personali dovrei riparare una macchina agricola, non ho una gru, un carrello elevatore e molti soldi ma ho bisogno di riparare questo trattore, dicevo che mi servirebbe una struttura robusta per fissare saldamente un paranco a catena e smontare le parti meccaniche più pesanti, qualche suggerimento, magari dei tubi, delle travi a H, se magari qualche amico utente ne ha una, potrebbe fotografarla, misurarla e darmi qualche consiglio, grazie. Ho una saldatrice elettrica per poterla costruire, grazie
sorry, as I said in the previous message, I would need to make a cheap frame to fix a chain hoist I would need it to repair an old agricultural machine, unfortunately my limited economic resources prevent me from using a crane, a forklift or a telehandler, therefore I would have to find some H-beams, tubes or other profiles to make a structure like a sturdy scaffolding that works like an overhead crane. by eye you would need a structure with a minimum capacity of 600kg - maximum two tons of capacity not greater as optimal dimensions 2.5 meters or three meters high and three meters wide the lateral base about 1.60 meters. can you kindly help me maybe I make the base with a U-beam upside down on the side and put the wheels on top. I also have to put the appropriate reinforcement gussets thanks again sorry for the translator's misunderstanding forgive me thanks.

mini gantry crane mobile diy 1000 libbre.png
Do you plan to build out of steel? Or a combination of steel and wood? I’ve seen heavy timbers used to make the vertical uprights with a steel crossbeam.
On that link I provided, scroll down the page. Click on any of the ones listed for 4000 lbs. There are many to choose from. All dimensions provided
all in iron I weld it with a basic electrode and cut it with an angle grinder, I have a manual drill otherwise I wanted to make some connections with a plate and bolts what do you think how would you do it, I don't find it safe in the wood-steel structure thanks

crane 2.pngcrane.png
I'm not clear on your question, but the oics you provided is how i would do it. Fabricated uprights, with bolt together construction. Allows disassembly.
… but the oics you provided is how i would do it. Fabricated uprights, with bolt together construction. Allows disassembly.

Make it as tall as you need to extract the engine or other heavy bits from the tractor/machine that needs to be repaired. I’d personally want the lower part of the frame (where the wheels are mounted) to be at least 1/2 the height, or even 60% of the height if the height is much over 2 meters. I’d also brace the vertical pieces from their midpoint down to the wheels.
I think I will weld all the various components without bolts. I don't have a large drill press otherwise I will have to call a metalworker. Thanks