Try as I may, try as I might, this year I will lose the fight. Yet again. But, I do believe I'm at better than 80% full completion. I could easily just throw it on the snow and run it, but where it will live makes it difficult to do quick or repetitive repairs. So I would rather just have it right coming out of the gate. Next summer/fall will be loaded up running down the check list of crap I've removed/replaced/added, but haven't been able to test. I'm praying there aren't a ton of wormholes I have to work thru between motor electricals/upgrades, dash electricals/upgrades. I suck at electrical, so I'm praying my notes, labels, drawings, rewiring was all good (even though I triple checked because it is my nemesis). Track adjustment will be needed- at least for one. Three came apart and were reassembled in the exact same order so 'should' be close. The first one I did was a complete breakdown all at once. It WILL have issues with adjustment fitting in the sprocket correctly. Hydraulics are all dry other than holding oil in the pump & orbital. Was originally shit-canning the drag valve and plumbing, but that changed a couple weeks ago. Valve was reworked and now deciding if I'm going to bother with the hoses. Don't really feel like incurring the cost of 4 new ones, but kind of pointless when a 30/yo hose pops first trip out.This thing hitting the local testing grounds this year?