Muley, I just finished one of those muffins with a cheese omelet topped with salsa. The recipe makes a dozen, and I only had to show 6 of them. I've gotten hooked on salsa with my eggs. My father used to like the old Heinz Chili Sauce, but I find it pretty expensive compared to Aldi's mild salsa, which is basically the same thing.
As for the baking competition, there really was no competition at all, at least for me, and I'm not being boastful. There were other loaves of bread, but you could tell that the entrants either didn't care what their loaves looked like, or they just didn't know how to make a presentation quality loaf. There was no color to most of the entries. Maybe they don't know that egg wash gives color to the loaf. It was so bad that third place for white bread loaf was taken by a loaf from a bread machine...a square loaf of bread!

Of course, there were only thee loaves of white bread submitted, so everyone got a ribbon.

There was only one loaf of rye bread, so that swept the category.
At least the auction netted $46 for the agriculture building maintenance & renovation fund from my entries. I was flabbergasted that the loaf of Honey Whole Wheat went for $20. It was purchased by one of the gals who oversees the baked goods area, so I'm just wondering if she got to taste it when the judges were doing their thing, or overheard their comments. Regardless, that's a lot of money for a loaf of bread. She also bought the Italian Herb Sourdough for $10. She did tell me that the judges were commenting about how good the bread smelled when they opened the bag to cut off a slice.
That's my 15 minutes of fame, so now it's back to being an asshole...the only other thing that I really excel at.