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EA-6B's still in service?!?


Super Moderator
Staff member
USMC Veteran
GOLD Patron
Saw a picture in the national news about the EA-6B's

Article is

Damn... What an aircraft.

They tried getting rid of it when I was working on it (back in 1982). Apparently, all the military services scrapped their other planes and went with this 40-year-old workhorse.

Ugly, but kicks ass. Enough jamming equipment where just a few of them can entirely black-out the entire east-coast (electricity, phones...) in a matter of hours (or minutes??? I haven't worked on them in 30 years).
One guy flying and 3 guys jamming. Hell of a lot of damage can happen...

What happened to the gold canopy's (required years ago to repel the jamming signal from the pilots so they didn't get fried)?



bczoom - '82-'83 VMAQ-2
They were very successful against the Iraq forces in 91. Don't know if the Iranians have better Soviet stuff than Saddam did or not. The biggest thing is they protect our attack aircraft from ground based missile sites finding them. And totally screw up vehicle communication between infantry and armored groups.