You ain't been on this stretch of road on a Friday, Sunday, or holiday. Expect an hour to go about 10 miles, if you are in the correct lane.
But I'll have to say, when this batch of coinstruction is done in the next year or so, I think this stretch of road will be a-ok for a few years to come. But then I'm sure they'll tear up 294 from 83rd toll to the 80 junction. The road is starting to disintigrate in places, especially from Cicero to the last toll at the 80 junction. That construction will keep things messed up for a few years.
I go through this mess every Friday and Sunday, unless 780 on the 8's says the Skyway is clear. Somtimes if all is shit, I go to the skyway, but get off on 41 and head downtown along the lake. Usually I make some pretty good time going that way, especially after doing it a few times and learning the correct lane to be in. And with the top down on the SL, it is almost an enjoyable drive.