I've had this machine for two winters now. We've used it to put in groomed trails for a couple of sled dog races here in Colorado. When it's working, I'm pretty happy with it. When it isn't working, ugh.
It busts through untracked snow no problem, and the blade and compactor bar work decently enough. It is not easy to operate smoothly, but I get better every time I use it.
The factory hydraulics & attachments seem pretty rare - I'd love to hear from other people that have used one of these with the grooming attachments, and their experiences with them.
It busts through untracked snow no problem, and the blade and compactor bar work decently enough. It is not easy to operate smoothly, but I get better every time I use it.
The factory hydraulics & attachments seem pretty rare - I'd love to hear from other people that have used one of these with the grooming attachments, and their experiences with them.