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All the President's men: Obama given a 20-MAN motorcade to visit childhood friend in


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Yep , I love beating a dead horse , Just amazes me of who reports this kind of stuff when our own Media looks the otherway . :whistling:

I Know every other president has done the same type of wastefull spending , but this one vowed to change that . Hows that working out ? :hammer:


  • Return trip on Air Force One costs up to £1million
  • $63,000 to fly Michelle and daughters to Hawaii
  • $134,000 for 24 White House staff to stay at home
President Obama provoked fresh outrage today after taking a 20-man motorcade to visit a childhood friend during his lavish Christmas holiday in Hawaii.
The 10-vehicle convoy drove the president and wife Michelle from his rental property in Kailua, across highways cleared of traffic and through a military community to reach Bobby Titcomb's beachfront house.
Mr Obama, who spent eight years at Punahou School in Hawaii before graduating in 1979, has splashed out $1.5m on his trip – a decision that will not endear him to the millions of Americans facing economic hardship in the New Year.

Motorcade: President Obama visited a school friend while on holiday in Hawaii - and had a convoy of 20 vehicle

The extra cost of the excessive security levels demanded by the holidaying Mr Obama will further enrage opponents of the 49-year-old, who will return to work on January 3.

After a game of golf with his old friends in the day, the president ate at the barbecue, played volleyball and relaxed on the beach with family and friends, White House spokesman Bill Burton said.

Police had stopped cars along the route at on ramps and side streets. Onlookers were often waving or flashing the famous shaka sign.
While enjoying the barbecue the president’s men, armed to the teeth, carefully guarded the area, and waterways, against any possible attack.
Riding: First Lady Michelle Obama and President Obama ride in their SUV as they leave their Kailua residence on their way to Bobby Titcomb's beach house

Near Dillingham Airfield a group unveiled a sign which read: ‘Hi, Mr. Prez.’

The airfield, frequented by gliders and parachute jumpers, was dormant due to security for the President. Bill Star, one the operators of Original Glider Rides, lamented the lost business as it was the first day of excellent weather this week.
Mr Obama, who also visited Mr Titcomb on the same day a year ago, is facing claims that he could have been more frugal in his two-week getaway with wife Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha at a luxury beachfront rental home in Kailua, an upscale resort about 12 miles from the capital, Honolulu.

Expensive: The president;'s trip has cost approximately $1.5m - and could have been much cheaper critics say

According to the Hawaii Reporter, the bill for the trip included:

  • $63,000 on an early flight bringing Mrs Obama and the children to Hawaii ahead of the president.
  • $1,000,000 on Mr Obama’s return trip from Washington on Air Force One.
  • $38,000 for the ‘Winter White House’ the president has rented for his family on the beach.
  • $16,000 to rent beachfront homes for Secret Service and Navy Seals.
  • $134,000 for 24 White House staff to stay at the Moana Hotel.
  • $251,000 in police overtime.
  • $10,000 for an ambulance to be on hand at all times

Chilled: The President enjoys an ice cream with his daughters as he relaxes on his Christmas holiday in Hawaii

Security: A Coast Guard patrol dinghy rides up the canal near the house in Kailua where the President is staying

And those tallies do not include the travel costs of Mr Obama’s staff and Secret Service, car rentals and surveillance operations in advance of the trip, which could easily add up to more than £30,000.
The White House would not comment on the cost of the stay.

A spokesman said the president’s holiday expenses are in line with those of previous presidents.
But the Hawaii Reporter claimed: ‘They could have chosen a less expensive and more secure place to stay such as a beachfront home on the Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station – just a two-minute drive away from the Kailuana Place property where they are now.

‘The president visits the military base daily to workout, bowl with his kids or enjoy the more private beach there. ‘He also could have stayed at a home 15 minutes away on the beach fronting Bellows Air Force Base as President Bill Clinton did.’

Friends: Mr Obama spend eight years at school in Hawaii and looked happy playing golf with old friends Bobby Titcomb (left) and Marty Nesbitt (right)

The 7,000 square foot home where the president is vacationing has five bedrooms, a media room and a secluded lagoon-style pool with tropical waterfalls and a spa.
The Obamas holidayed at the same spot last year, but rising fuel costs have pushed up the estimated travel costs and the president flew later than the rest of his family because of delayed votes in Washington, adding more to the escalating expenses.
The Honolulu Police Department said overtime for officers cost $250,000 last year, compared to $106,000 in 2008 before his inauguration.
The President has no intention of going to a new location for his vacations.
Mr Burton, who is with the president in Hawaii, said: 'Like most Americans, the president knows what he likes in his own hometown.
'He's been going to a lot of these places since he was a very young child and they hold an important place in his life.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...shes-1-5m-Hawaiian-holiday.html#ixzz19zWZdOV8


Well-known member
Any time the President makes a move, it is expensive. Not really bent about theis, but I have to ask the question, is there something particularly wrong with his friend that the friend can't come to him?


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Any time the President makes a move, it is expensive. Not really bent about theis, but I have to ask the question, is there something particularly wrong with his friend that the friend can't come to him?
Yep no doubt Lobo , I agree 100% . Just seems if he was smart he would pic & choose a bit better of his actions as he knows he is damn well he is under the microscope , which leads me to beleive he enjoys rubbing our nose in it . :hammer:

BTW , Nice to see you pop in Mak , to keep things on topic :biggrin:


Active member
I think this article is just another example of RWers endless imagined slights by this president. It is exactly the same procedure when any president goes anywhere. did anyone compare this vacation to a vacation at Crawford?

By the way, lightn up cowboy, I am stuffing hundreds of folders with student stuff, I am bored and the birth certificate is on topic, I wonder if his high school friend remembers where Obama was born.

snow dog

New member
Do I detect a flying finger out of the white car ?


  • article-1343050-0C9C8EC7000005DC-524_634x286.jpg
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Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I think this article is just another example of RWers endless imagined slights by this president. It is exactly the same procedure when any president goes anywhere. did anyone compare this vacation to a vacation at Crawford?

By the way, lightn up cowboy, I am stuffing hundreds of folders with student stuff, I am bored and the birth certificate is on topic, I wonder if his high school friend remembers where Obama was born.

I didn't realize there were right wingers in the UK , thats where the article came from . :biggrin:

BTW NP Mak , No need for me to lighten up , Its just threads you start that the rest of us have to stay to a strict topic , I understand now :wink:


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Do I detect a flying finger out of the white car ?
Dont know if it is or not SD , sure would be a perfect time for the ole one fingered salute though . Since its from the motercade relating to the article posted at least it is on topic though . :yum:


Active member
I didn't realize there were right wingers in the UK , thats where the article came from . :biggrin:

BTW NP Mak , No need for me to lighten up , Its just threads you start that the rest of us have to stay to a strict topic , I understand now :wink:

Ok, it was obvious what they were trying to do. They had nothing to add to the discussion so they were trying to drag it off topic. If I got on this thread babbling about Palin lies and has 50,000 dollar dresses I would be dragging it off topic. I did not think mentioning Obama going back home, er well not really his home.............well hope you get it.


I think the biggest issue is that the man is talking about cutting spending and then takes an extravagant vacation. I am a big fan of lead by example. I mean he freezes the yearly increases for government workers (whether they deserve them is another issue) then doesn't look for the best way to save money on a vacation. I mean that would be like Bush correcting someone's grammar or Clinton talking about faithfulness or Palin giving geography lessons. Lead by example.:hammer:


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I think the biggest issue is that the man is talking about cutting spending and then takes an extravagant vacation. I am a big fan of lead by example. I mean he freezes the yearly increases for government workers (whether they deserve them is another issue) then doesn't look for the best way to save money on a vacation. I mean that would be like Bush correcting someone's grammar or Clinton talking about faithfulness or Palin giving geography lessons. Lead by example.:hammer:

:applause:Thanks K-Dog, that really explains my point much better then I seem to be able to get across . :wink:


New member
Yep no doubt Lobo , I agree 100% . Just seems if he was smart he would pic & choose a bit better of his actions as he knows he is damn well he is under the microscope , which leads me to beleive he enjoys rubbing our nose in it . :hammer:

BTW , Nice to see you pop in Mak , to keep things on topic :biggrin:

didnt bush go to his ranch in Tx,or his parents place in kennebunkport ? and Regan his ranch in Ca.?

Maybe barry should have gone to his house in Il.

You're right , I think he's rubbing in our faces.

funny thing about presidential vacations:

The Margin of Error is Plus or Minus Two Points

Clinton, famously, loved to party with the rich and famous in Martha’s Vineyard and the Hamptons. But in 1995 and 1996 he went to Jackson Hole, Wyoming for his summer vacation, on the advice of Dick Morris, who cited polls showing it would be to Clinton's advantage. Even Morris later admitted it was a dumb idea.​
The Western White House

Ronald Reagan loved his ranch in Santa Barbara, California. According to the Associated Press, "Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his eight-year presidency."​


New member
The issue is not how much time a president get for vacations, but the ammount of money spent at taxpayer expence.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
The issue is not how much time a president get for vacations, but the ammount of money spent at taxpayer expence.

Exactlly Shep . Not only that but Bush OWNS his crawford ranch and a good many of his days that were spent there were working vacations . Heres a short list of some of them I saved in case I ever needed them , allthough I have long forgot the sorce so Beleive it or not :wink:

Of coarse this list doesn,t include entertaining his old school chums , But I doubt the taxpayers were stuck with those expences . Allthough I recon it is possible . :biggrin:

Look up Bush's so-called "vacations". Many were at his ranch hosting Foreign dignitaries, holding meetings, etc.
Visitors to the ranch have included:
Russian President Vladimir Putin, November 2001
British Prime Minister Tony Blair, April 2002
Saudi King Abdullah, April 2002, April 2005
Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, August 2002
Chinese President Jiāng Zémín, October 2002
Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar, February 2003
Australian Prime Minister John Howard, May 2003
Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Jun'ichirō, May 2003
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, July 2003
Mexican President Vicente Fox, March 2004, March 2005
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, April 2004
Spanish King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía, November 2004
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, March 2005
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, April 2005
Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, August 2005
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, November 2007
Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, February 2008
