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You gotta love the scams


Charter Member
I received this check today for an article that I was selling online. This is one of those deals where the guy sends you more money than you want and wants you to cut him a check asap for the difference. I took this check to Bank of America to have them look at it seeing how it had their name on it. They confirmed the check was fake and really didn't care one bit about it. No questions at all as to where it came from. The wife and I are going to hang it on the fridge as a conversation piece. I emailed the guy to tell him we decided to keep the item and that I would return his check when he emailed me his address. If he does that and I can confirm it. I will pass the info along to the FBI and Postal Service.
The letter came out of CA.


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I would have thought the bank would have kept the check. Don't they even try to catch these sleezballs anymore?
Doc said:
I would have thought the bank would have kept the check. Don't they even try to catch these sleezballs anymore?

You know Doc, that is what I thought too. They didn't ask where it came from or anything. All the teller said was that it was a fake. She did say it looked just like their checks.
Did you ask the manager? Or ask for an internal fraud investigator? I could understand that a $6/hour clerk might not care, but I'd think someone up the food chain might?
B_Skurka said:
Did you ask the manager? Or ask for an internal fraud investigator? I could understand that a $6/hour clerk might not care, but I'd think someone up the food chain might?

Bob, The teller ran the check through her machine a few times. Then she went and got a manager who ran the check a few more times through the check machine. He then made a copy of the check. That was it. He didn't seem care one bit about it. Maybe I scared him. I was in my leathers and sport a beard right now (motorcycle). I just forwarded all the information to the FBI on their IC3 website.
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